Any body have any ideea how to do this in mysql?
I found this on skadate site can anybody confirm me if is ok to do this?
To grant one user role to ALL your user at once via datbase you need to:
1. Choose the role you will be granting.
Open ow_base_authorization_role database table. Here you will see list of your roles with their IDs. Remember the role ID you wish to give to all your users. In our example we will remember role ID = 12 ( which is usually a default free user role that comes with standard SkaDate / Oxwall installation).
2. Grant selected role.
Open ow_base_authorization_user_role database table.
Click “SQL” tab in your PhpMyAdmin interface.
Insert following query:
INSERT IGNORE INTO `ow_base_authorization_user_role` (`userId`, `roleId`) SELECT `id`, 12 FROM `ow_base_user`
Where 12 is the role ID which will be granted to all your users.
And you are done.
The real trick is how to add the new role only to certain users. Or to all users but NOT to users who have some role assigned.?????