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Events in mobile | Forum

Mathew Oct 11 '17

i was looking to put the events in the oxwall mobile platform so people can search from their phone without having to use the desktop, i have noticed this isnt a option.

has anyone achived to do this if so would they mind explaining how or if anyone got a idea how then i would love to hear from you.

im not a coder but understand basic programing so willing to have a go with the help 

Mathew Oct 16 '17
nobody know how
JB TECH Oct 17 '17
You have to simply modify the "events" plugin.

In the main folder of events, create a "mobile" directory. This directory is treated like a mini-version of the plugin setup inside the actual plugin. Your file structure for events will include:


So far what I know about mobile oxwall is a lot of the programmatic function runs off the core and only certain things such as mobile indexes and classes add an "M" to them. You have to go through the templates for Oxwall mobile, however, to get an understanding on the visual elements for the modification.

Mathew Oct 18 '17

Thanks have you managed to get this done,  im going to a look tonight to see if i can do this my fear is its going to be tough as its not allready in the mobile version.

Eva Whitehead
Eva Whitehead Jan 20 '18
Well, Methew, i have my own webste and i have done the same thing you are looking for. Check once www.surfessay.com . I'm new in Oxwall and i;m following this regularly and its an amazing platform for Developers.