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landing page doesn't show | Forum

Nicole Oct 24 '17
We have bought the extra theme and one issue we have is that the main landing page which offers insight into what our site has to offer will not show up. In the backdoor, all the options are there but when you land on the site, it goes directly to the sign-up page. If I place the special page on to have a enter button, the landing page will blink in and out before redirecting it to the sign-in area. On the mobile it works great, on a computer it doesn't. 

I contacted the person that made this theme and he said I had to make my site private to have it work and for other issues like this to post it on the forum. So I'm posting because I have no clue what he means by make my site private nor why I would want to make it private if I need people to find it to make an account and use the site. 

Can someone tell me what this issue could be caused by and how to fix it?

I'm showing two screen shots... one of what people should land on and what they actually land on. 

  landiingpagesignin.png (164Kb)
  landingpagelook.png (637Kb)
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Oct 24 '17
I don't use any of the landing page themes, but from what I have read, you go to admin / settings / user settings, and at the bottom where it says "guests can view this site" select "no", and click save. Some have also mentioned using the "Set Sign In Page As Landing Page" plugin to achieve this as well.


Here is a post in one of their theme forums where the plugin is discussed. It appears that, if it is used, you can keep it to where guests can see the site.

The Forum post is edited by Darryl B Oct 24 '17
Nicole Oct 27 '17

We actually figured this out, we had to allow reg users to see the sign up section as well as guest in order to see the landing page when going back to the site. 

Thank you