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API key from Openclove. - Group Video Chat | Forum

Frank Nov 2 '17
I use the Groupe Video Chat plugin
Allerdings, every time we start a chat the following error message appears: All resources are busy.
have it already with fmeinexx.de/ow_plugins/groupvideochat/activate.php tried no connection the htaccess changed not passive see the video function not in the forum
Please consider obtaining commercial api key for dedicated capacity.

2. Quick Starter Guide for HTML/JS Developers
Here are the simple steps for any web developer to embed live group video conversations into their application.
Step 1:  Get APIKey
- Register @ http://developer.openclove.com/member - Get a key @ http://developer.openclove.com/apps/mykeys ;
Step 2: Select your starter OVX Live Conversations Player Template
- Visit http://ovx.me/demos/ to browse, test and select a basic look and feel
Step 3: Paste code in your Web App
- View source for any of the templates above - Cut and paste the JavaScript code into your own app  (sample code in section 4.2) - Embed the HTML elements as per your design specifications
Step 4: Configure your Engage Player
There are several configuration options for you to select, see section 4.3.  Here are the mandatory ones to get you started.
- ovx-apiKey (from step 1) - ovx-session which assigns a unique session ID for each conversation session.  The app will require your app to share the session ID across the users wanting to join the same session.  You can manually request the users to enter the ID, or use any alphanumeric session ID that you may already have as part of your application.
Rest of the parameters are set to default and can be modified as per your app user experience requirements.
The Forum post is edited by Frank Nov 2 '17
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