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newsfeed DB query is slow | Forum

Joseph Sep 24 '12
when a user has a lot of activity on their newsfeed the dashboard loads slow and after testing I found that the db query is running at 9 seconds or longer depending on the users newsfeed activity and I thought I mentioned this a long time ago at xitti before I moved to oxwall and they said the development was under way to fix this?
Alia Team
Alia Sep 25 '12
Joseph, we have mapped several newsfeed optimizations. We are planning to implement them stepwise. In the upcoming build  we will add rectification of the old and unused content, which will significantly facilitate the work with newsfeed database.
Joseph Sep 25 '12
ok thank you hopefully this will help my load is getting slower and slower every day just now it took almost 20 seconds to load newsfeed see now that I worked past all my bugs my sites coming back to life meaning a lot of action but with a software that I guess never expected such a load this may be bad
Joseph Sep 25 '12
I use a cloud and my server usage is decent rarely will we go past 50% on memory or cpu and when we do we buy more units
Joseph Sep 26 '12
how can i check my speed limit?
Joseph Sep 26 '12
I installed my own mysql I can choose its settings
Vicki Sep 27 '12

Quote from Paul Cuffe hmm, not the best but a way to fix:

1) Remove older newsfeed items, you could run a MySQL query to remove items after a set time. abit of a bad way to do it but it works lol

How do I remove the older newsfeeds items? Is there a way to automate this?
Joseph Sep 27 '12
paul would you mind sharing that maybe even for a fee ;)
Vicki Sep 28 '12
Yes, please, can you share this script with us non-script writing folks?
Joseph Sep 28 '12
well I was thinking what happens when someone comments on an item but that item is old does it refresh its time limit?
Amanda Feb 17 '13
Paul I would like a copy of this as well thanks