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Marketing | Forum

Edy Sep 27 '12
I need help with Marketing...
Oxwall Accessories
Oxwall Accessories Sep 28 '12
what are you trying to market

Pete Sep 28 '12




Put your website into your keywords www.yoursite.com ,it helps to get high ratings in search engines

To increase the amount of web traffic coming to your website you have to go where your target market hangs out. These places could be different forums, blogs and websites that have a similar topic that you have. As well, there are a lot of different blogs that have a wide audience in this market area, where you could leave your comments and back links to your website.

Probably you have heard that content is a king and this means that the more information you have on your website, the more the search engines will like your website and the more visitors will keep returning to you. And as a result you will have more web traffic, which means more sales for you.



If you want your own submit script for your website here is the link to download it  http://www.freesearchenginesubmission.info/page3.html



The Forum post is edited by Pete Sep 30 '12
Edy Sep 29 '12
thank you @pete !

@tattoo i am trying to  get high traffics
Oxwall Accessories
Oxwall Accessories Sep 29 '12
What type of site are you marketing

Edy Sep 29 '12
I have  a microbloging  base site  ....
Oxwall Accessories
Oxwall Accessories Sep 29 '12
It helps to have backlinks! Post your site on our forum. In your profile. Everywhere you can. Submissions help but if you dont have content it wont help much. Custom content is the key to success so make sure you have lots of posts on you site even if its you posting it. and it helps if all the posts arnt abou tyour site.


Edy Sep 29 '12
oh great..  also need  people to sign up
Oxwall Accessories
Oxwall Accessories Sep 29 '12
You gotta go out there and bring them one by one.... Unless you have some serious money for advertisement. there are companys that will redirect traffic to your site(I.E  1000 visits for $15) but they only bring them to the door. they cant make them come in.
Edy Sep 29 '12
oh okay 
Edy Oct 2 '12
Paul  can you walk me through/
Trustosa Sep 2 '22
You have started your business right. From marketing... After all, you definitely can’t do without advertising! I would advise you to click site  and start collaborating with the guys from this famous company. They are in the business of creating video content and their promotional videos are top notch! You can see samples of their work on the site! And most importantly, their prices are reasonable!
Trustosa Dec 30 '22
Greetings, the launch of the token is probably the event of a lifetime, was it hard to do? For the project to work successfully, I advise you to immediately buy animated videos  . This is the fastest and most proven way to run viral ads that everyone will see. Then it's up to the creativity of the agency developers. I sent you a link to trusted guys - they know a lot about such videos!
JohnTuggle Feb 9 '23

Start by taking a look at their portfolio. Look at their website and see if they have any projects in it that they can show you. Also you can join social media management firm for brands to get incredible ideas easily. If they don’t have any examples of past work, try contacting them directly and ask them about their past clients and how satisfied they were with the work that was done for them.