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Photos getting wrong permissions | Forum

Eric Feb 5 '18
When I upload photos they get wrong permissions so I can only see them in my albums but they are not showing in Latest, most liked etc. unless I change their permissions in ow_userfiles/plugins/photo. Is there a way that uploaded photos are getting 777 permissions automatically?
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Feb 5 '18
Possibly something to ask your hosting provider.  There are several posts on the web relating to incorrect file permissions using sftp, and also some about hosts changing file permissions.
Eric Feb 6 '18
Thanks Darryl. I'll ask my provider.

Eric Feb 6 '18
Anyway, I changed the permissions manually in the photo folder. But now I have changed the folder (ow_userfiles/plugins/photo) which had already 777 permissions but applied to enclosed and now new photos are visible so problem solved...