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Mailbox mobile version | Forum

Alex Mar 28 '18
The mobile version does not open mailbox messages. The notification comes but the message text does not appear. if you know please tell me how to fix it.

I'm ready to pay someone who fixes the error
The Forum post is edited by Alex Mar 28 '18
Oxwall Türkiye
Oxwall Türkiye Mar 28 '18
Submit your login information. Your FTP-Admin information
JB TECH Mar 28 '18

Do you have cron setup correctly on your server? Also, have you modified any of the files for the Messages plugin or any mobile site files? It sounds like it could either be a styling problem or a javascript/ajax problem.

JB-Tech | Oxwall & Skadate Solutions
Alex Mar 30 '18
cleaned the ow_mailbox messager table and everything worked