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How to add the sub-menu link to my other plugin. - Users List by Lastest online | Forum

Jonathan Hol
Jonathan Hol Apr 4 '18

Hello :)

I have this code in my other plugin. Its the line beneath members section, where you can see the online users, search, last registered, and where the last online appear after installation. 

How ever I have these lines of code in my other plugin, where I need to add a line for the Last Online plugin to show. Could you please provide me with what kind of code I need to add here?

<div class="ow_content_menu_wrap">

    <ul class="ow_content_menu clearfix">

        <li class="_latest"><a href="{$siteUrl}users/latest"><span class="ow_ic_clock">Last registered</span></a></li>


<li class="_online "><a href="{$siteUrl}users/online"><span class="ow_ic_push_pin">Online</span></a></li>

        <li class="_search "><a href="{$siteUrl}users/search"><span class="ow_ic_lens">Search</span></a></li>

        <li class="_new-this-month "><a href="{$siteUrl}users/new-this-month"><span class="ow_ic_user">New Members This Month</span></a></li>

        <li class="_matchmaking "><a href="{$siteUrl}profile/matches"><span class="ow_ic_user">Friends suggestions</span></a></li>

        <li class="_matchmaking_preferences active"><a href="{$siteUrl}matches/preferences"><span class="ow_ic_user">Friend suggestions settings</span></a></li>    



Regards Jonathan

The Forum post is edited by Jonathan Hol Apr 4 '18
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