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Pending Verification Notification wont go away - Verified Members | Forum

Jack May 3 '18
Hello can you assit, I have purchased the widget and it was working great. The other day I noticed that the pending notification message still shows "

There is 1 members awaiting for verification." even though there are no users pending. 

My issue is that I left it the way it was and one day I have 4 people pending and it only said there was 1. Is there any way I can clear this?

I believe this was due to a deleted member, the member deleted his profile while his profile was pending verification which probably caused the error. 

Please advise. 

Senior Developer Leader
Senior Developer May 3 '18
Hi Mark!

Thank you for the info, I will run some tests in my testing website and will fix this as soon as possible.

Thank you.

Senior Developer.

Jack May 4 '18
Thank you so MUCH! Fast reply, great developer! 
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