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Errors | Forum

Nirmalya Ghosh
Nirmalya Ghosh Oct 14 '12
My oxwall website started operating abruptly recently. It was working fine but now some users complain that the chat is not working, some say comment is not working, some say that like option is not working while others say that photo is not uploading. Can anyone help me please. I am really stuck here. Thank you,

My website is 


Nirmalya Ghosh
Nirmalya Ghosh Oct 14 '12
many of my usere are getting javascript errors

javascript error//

Alia Team
Alia Oct 15 '12
Nirmalya, did you add any plug ins to your site lately?  Can you also make sure that you or your users didn't add any javacsript code via the Custom HTML widget?
Nirmalya Ghosh
Nirmalya Ghosh Oct 15 '12
no, it was just the same website as it was somedays earlier. But there was no problem then. But from the day before yesterday, some of my users say that the chat is not working, the comment is not working, the get javascript error while trying to comment.
Alia Team
Alia Oct 16 '12
From what I can see you added a third party code ( https://www.cloudflare.com/) which interferes with the Oxwall functionality. Try removing it and commenting once more. If you are unable to comment even after performing above actions, let me know.
David A
David A Apr 4 '13
I was considering cloud flare.  Looks like others are running it without issue... do we know how/if it was the issue? 
Alia Team
Alia Apr 5 '13
David,  didn't receive reply from Nirmalya. So, I can not tell whether issue was in cloudflare, or something else.
David A
David A Apr 5 '13
Thanks you.
Nirmalya Ghosh
Nirmalya Ghosh Apr 5 '13
Madam, I think that the issue was with cloudflare as my website is currently running well after I had deactivated cloudflare on my website. I didn't get any errors after deactivating cloudflare services!
Steve Winter
Steve Winter Apr 5 '13

There are config options in cloudflare.  I had turned it off for testing but then turned it back on and have not had problems. 

In Auto Minify (Web optimization) under performance I turned those three things on and have not had problems since then.


For hosting that really works with Oxwall http://tinyurl.com/happyhosting

Alia Team
Alia Apr 8 '13
Thanks for sharing.
I guess, all depends on how you set this up.