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where is the drag and drop widgetbox page... | Forum

omer Jul 21 '18

i didnt find in theme directory..

i want to make reverse order widget boxes for for mobile...

but i didnt find the as php or html the  mainpage

dave Leader
dave Jul 21 '18
Hi are you talking about the dashboard page?
omer Jul 22 '18
yes i want to make widgetboxes order reverse for only mobile...

not others columns/rows

i am using 
.clearfix {    display: flex!important;    flex-direction: row-reverse;}} but not succesful

just neet to change only witgetboxes order

dave Leader
dave Jul 22 '18
I am not the best with CSS but there are some others here that are.  So maybe someone knows how to do this for you.   

This topic may need to be moved to the custom coding section. 

Oxwall Germany Club
Oxwall Germany Jul 23 '18
Topic was moved from General Questions.
omer Jul 23 '18

Quote from dave I am not the best with CSS but there are some others here that are.  So maybe someone knows how to do this for you.   

This topic may need to be moved to the custom coding section. 

i didnt ask you css... i know how can i do ... i asked where is the mainpage html/php page


The Forum post is edited by omer Jul 23 '18
dave Leader
dave Jul 23 '18
That is why i ask you if it was the dashboard or not and you said yes.  Your screenshot shows the main page not the dashboard.   

The Forum post is edited by dave Jul 24 '18
omer Jul 24 '18

thank you i said you mainpage before...

you should understant that cos widgetbox over the main page ... you know... and why you ask dasshborad... anyway...

i want to change order widgetboxes... as left to right right to left on the mobile..

dave Leader
dave Jul 24 '18
Sorry for the confusion.  

Have you tried moving them around under admin mobile section?

If that did not work then 

For mobile look at:

php files




for the html files




There is also a mobile js file in the static mobile dir, but it looks like that just handles pre built arrays so i dont think thats is what we want. 

One of those files should be the one you need, i have not tested. 

Can you take a screenshot of what you are trying to do please, thanks

The Forum post is edited by dave Jul 24 '18
omer Jul 24 '18

i am doing that for my themplate(london)

for desktop newsfeed boxes and custom hmtl box should be at right.. blogi pic. video boxes at letf.. its ok for desktop..

but when i use mobile... i am seeking first pic, blog, video boxes and newsfeed and custom hmtl boxes at bottom...

i want to see neswfeed and custom boxes first at top..

i used .clearfix {    display: flex!important;    flex-direction: row-reverse;}} 

its ok for max-480 mobile view but ... there is a error with other things..

so i want to use some class for only widgetboxes order but i ididnt find where...

dave Leader
dave Jul 24 '18
Thanks for explaining, ill poke around but as i said im not good at CSS and not that good at JS either.  Ill look to see if i can find something we can change but no promises :)
omer Jul 25 '18
ok i wil be waiting :)
dave Leader
dave Jul 26 '18
Hi, i am just not finding how to do this.  :(
omer Jul 27 '18
we need to just widgetbox css class and pages... so we can separete them... this loyout so stupid... newsfeed seeking at bottom..
omer Jul 27 '18


 i found these class