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Admin Pannel : XML error: Undeclared entity warning at line 30 | Forum

Klaus Rock
Klaus Rock Aug 8 '18

Not important but want to fix it.

Any Idea.


dave Leader
dave Aug 8 '18
what is on line 30?

does the error show what file or any other info?

more than likely it just needs to be declared before use or syntax error in file

The Forum post is edited by dave Aug 8 '18
sandeep Aug 8 '18

Hi Dave,

Am also getting similar error, my error is as follows:-

XML error: Undeclared entity warning at line 30. if you tell me which file i need to look then i can share u what is in line 30 of the file.

Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Aug 8 '18

The last time this happened there was some issues on the Oxwall site. That area is actually loading a page from Oxwall into an Iframe. This will have to be corrected on Oxwall's side.

See screenshot.

  XML error.jpg (44Kb)
Ketil Ervik
Ketil Ervik Aug 8 '18
No problem vid that here !!!

Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Aug 8 '18

@ Ketil

You are using OWEngine; not Oxwall. It appears they linked to their own page in the Iframe.

dave Leader
dave Aug 8 '18
+1 Darryl, now i remember that error...  :)
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Aug 15 '18
Looks like they have this fixed now.
Klaus Rock
Klaus Rock Aug 16 '18
Yes can confirm that it is fixed.
Klaus Rock
Klaus Rock Aug 16 '18
Must correct me. Still there