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Rob Oct 17 '18

Choosing what, that is actually the question.!

Opting for Oxwall itself, knowing that very little has been improved by its owners and that developers only have their plugins in the store and do not give support (leaving the good ones out) but have already left Oxwall.

Or choose the other community software suppliers that use Oxwall as a base:



Oxwall Plus

In our case, Oxwall itself is still the designated organization as it is automatically installed by Installatron at our Hosting Provider as we are not technically enough to install it ourselves.

Our experience with OwEngine is that we had to reinstall the website in its entirety because the update did not go well.

OxAmerica is unfortunately not yet accessible and fully functional, but also consists team members of whom 1 us in any case still has not given proper support on a plugin at Oxwall.!

So, the choice is not as easy as we think.

We are not negative about everything, but it could be better anyway.

With the best regards,

Admiraliteit Imedia

Ketil Ervik
Ketil Ervik Oct 17 '18
Yes its verry true
OW-Ghost Oct 17 '18
I said it before , better they worked together this 4 platform TEAMS for create a awsome software and have it build faster!

4 TEAMS that are not communicate each other is not good....better they start talk to each other and create ONE platform

but again this is my opinion....they are totally free do what they want...

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Oct 17 '18
Rob Oct 17 '18

Indeed OW-ghost, that would be the ideal combination.

A paid version of the basic software, that would be fine if it was kept up-to-date.!

But especially the plugin developers, that should be looked at.!

The themes, we think they are fine, although they may well be a lot more extensive and especially 100% responsive.!

Make a perfect Oxwall community software together and you will get many customers.!

Let the developers improve a support, and you get satisfied customers.!

Should still be possible isn't.?????

With the best regards,

Admiraliteit Imedia

Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Oct 17 '18
The problem with trying to combine efforts is that Skalfa pulls the strings on what is, and isn't done with Oxwall. The only way to control how you want things to run is to branch off independently. The platform needs to evolve.  That won't happen with a single entity controlling the flow.
OW-Ghost Oct 18 '18
Why not work together with

oxwallplus and owengine ? 1 Platform would bee better then 3 ?

Senior Developer was the one that was early out and say we should not develop many fork and stay and support oxwall ....now he is the one that support to split oxwall in many forks....i not get it at all. It would bee nice see what he have to say about this...have he change his mind?

i hope owengine if read they roadmap develop mobile apps for release in the app stores....

a complete mobile solution is the only i looking for...to pay someone create a hybrid app im not ready to do because i know this app need always make better all the time and need upgrade for aply with store new rules they apply all the time....in this front skadate (skadate) is they who have taken the lead totally and thats why many still use skadate and not walk over to any oxwall fork. 

And i think the day oxamerica or any other oxwall fork will have more to offer then skadate (skalfa) have ...that day that fork will get issues...you are then take the market from skadate and i think they are not very happy about that and they are the creator of oxwall platform ....but only what i thinking....

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Oct 18 '18
Rob Oct 18 '18

Okay people, before this subject will also last for a long time.!

So at this moment there are 4 which use the same basic community software, and a cooperation between those 4 is not in it that has become clear to us now.!

Then back to our first question, what is the best choice for us.?

It has to be an organization that will continue for a long time and continues to develop, plus attracts developers who are creative and think along, but above all give support and continue to give.!

Admiraliteit Imedia

OW-Ghost Oct 18 '18
oxwallplus have taken the lead so far and develop under a long time and very open what he have added to his oxwall fork...you can look the roadmap and his blog

i suggest oxwallplus if you want alot of new features and changes right now and not want to wait

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Oct 18 '18
Rob Oct 18 '18

We have looked at Oxwall Plus, but it is not really attractive and professional to us.!

We thought we found a store in the form of plugins and themes, but we could not find or see anything there.!

OxAmerica, according to us, the website is offline.!

All this does not sound hopeful.!

Admiraliteit Imedia

OW-Ghost Oct 18 '18
but the store you have at oxwall no need a store at oxwall plus ? why need two stores? the plugin in oxwall store works at oxwallplus platform

the main goal for all platform must bee that keep plugins working in oxwall store for they own platform...if not they have alot of work to recreate many plugins that now working fine

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Oct 18 '18
AppXprt Oct 18 '18

I'm working on bringing up 10-Gigabit infrastructure for hosting and solutions.

This will be an affordable 10-Gigabit hosting on Chattanooga's Cheap Fiber Backbone.

I have a partner in Atlanta willing to provide hardware in the form of servers, disk arrays, disks, and RAM.

I'll be leasing 10-Gigabit Networking equipment to ensure we have the quickest and most stable network possible.

We will be building this infrastructure to PCI DSS compliance for security, regardless of needing to be covered by this compliance.

This ensures we will be a secure and a reliably fast hosting provider.

Chattanooga provides the cheapest Fiber backbone available and this will allow us to undermine and disrupt the current hosting market.

My partners and I are well versed in Servers, Systems, Networking, Security, Virtualization and Infrastructure so we will be able to provide a cheaper and better hosting solution.

We have most of all the hardware we will need for this taken care of already, but we will need to obtain networking equipment and a location to house all of this equipment. I will be talking to the small business development center today and see what they have to offer. I have a few local Programmers and Developers who are very interested in being a part of this and I am forming a team as we speak.

I have a fork of Oxwall in the works and I'm not going anywhere. 

I am bringing a programmer on board to Oxwall who is interested in plugin development.

Anyone who is reading this, please send Dave some words of encouragement and appreciation for all of his hard work!

Rob Oct 18 '18
We have already wished Dave all the best https://developers.oxwall.com/...m/topic/62790?page=1

Dave must think of himself and not satisfy others. Nice thought but you should never lose yourself in life.

And OW-ghost, we do not think it will work if you have to get a plug-in from one and the basic software from the other.Or they delivers the complete package or they encourages the other to improve the basic software.!This is how we see it, Oxwall is quite highly regarded, so keeping it that way should be the starting point.!

With regards,

Admiraliteit Imedia

The Forum post is edited by Rob Oct 18 '18
OW-Ghost Oct 18 '18
ViXiV Technologies i no doubt you will manage set up a hostcompany but id there any future for such companys?

here in sweden as i told you i can get 100-Gigabit or 10-Gigabit in my apartment. and i think we have the cheapest price in the world in such fiber connection. 

i see many rich countrys get much faster internet connections every year. 

if i guess and look in the future soon everyone can run they own server at home easy on a laptop ....this what i see in the future and i now talking 10-15 years in the future

you see only in america how much easier now it is to get a very fast 10-gigabit fiber connection....for me i see a dark future for hosting companys but i can bee totally wrong about it and in 10-15 years maybe you already earned alot of money in you host company so you not need worry about that very much

i see a very hard competion to because there is so much host companys that want success on the market that start small....

anyways i hope you the best and i think you will success ....and never stop make you dreams come true...and never give up!


The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Oct 18 '18
OW-Ghost Oct 18 '18
i find some interesting reading related to web host company future


AppXprt Oct 18 '18
Well you don't necessarily want to run a server from home on a laptop or desktop. Servers are required with large amounts of RAM, redundant disk arrays in a RAID configuration. This isn't just about fiber and speed, but also about security and seeing that everything is done to compliance. Basically I don't trust any of the current providers infrastructure, data redundancy or protection.

Yes Sweden is the exception and is providing 100GB, Chattanooga will be right behind them.

The Forum post is edited by AppXprt Oct 18 '18
Oxwall Türkiye
Oxwall Türkiye Oct 22 '18

Hello friends

First of all, can you share if you have (OxAmerica)? I could not find the site and share link.

Another issue:


Oxwall Plus

I'm making a difference between them. I can see that there is not a very important development. Why not help for Oxwall. Github can provide the necessary help and developments. But everyone is trying to compile a Owall for himself. I've got two studies in my hand, and I'm observing the result, frustration. For a live site I will definitely recommend no a transition.

The return of the owner of the Oxwall should be close to the friends who are transitioning so you should experience platform issues.

Now the development I'm curious about is the information created by tamyy and dave. Both are active. On the other side some developers don't care if it does. But these two friends offer very detailed works for help and information purposes.

My Oxwall Plus research has also caused fatal errors in the platform migration, and the feeds fail.

In my OxEngine research, I've changed a few pages within a copy of a site that has not been referred to by much of the fortunes. In addition to this, there is no source for additional idea and platform needs. I downloaded the latest version package and found it to fail.

I'm curious about the condition of the OxAmerica study. I'd love to share what you have.

NOTE: Friends live sites do not make this transition. No more help is available. Others, such as OxAmerica, will stop the developer's help after a while. Oxwall is having trouble even in the patched situations of these platforms I think will cause great frustration.

I'm thinking of using some attachments in content, but I'm hesitant about it. Personally, I've made changes to my oxwall platform, but it could be wrong to announce it to people. The best way to do this is to support Oxwall by providing assistance for the real platform.

Steve Oct 22 '18
Sad to say that OxAmerica has shut down...I myself believe it would have been a great offspring of Oxwall.

Marco Nov 1 '18
i'm working on a fork of oxwall also, but when working alone its too much work.

Maybe its best to first make a inventory of people willing to help developing.

With this group (this can be developers, but also translators, or people that can help with support) we can make a roadmap to take oxwall to the next level with the standards that are currently available. with all the suggestions, feedback and help you can then create something beautifull.

OW-Ghost Nov 1 '18
Marco ask ArtMedia, if you can work together with him with the fork Oxwallplus. He have not give up develop new oxwall fork and he is still active. Send him a PM. I agree it is better working together with one fork.

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Nov 1 '18
Marco Nov 1 '18

OW-Ghost: already did that

made a first proposal but still waiting for answer

The Forum post is edited by Marco Nov 1 '18
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