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SyntaxError: "" string literal contains an unescaped line break (Mailbox / Messages Plugin) | Forum

Blaire Nov 5 '18
I am trying to figure out why the regular Messages/Mailbox plugin does not work on my site any longer. It does work with the Mailbox Pro plugin though, but I am hoping to stop using that plugin and just use default plugin.

Initially, I found an error with another plugin I had installed. I went through and believe I successfully manually removed that plugin. The errors relating to that plugin have gone!

But there are errors present now appearing directly connected to the Mailbox plugin that I do not understand. I will attach a screenshot.

Does anybody have any idea of what this might be referring to and how to help me correct it, please?

Thank you.
The Forum post is edited by Blaire Nov 5 '18
  mailboxpluginerror.png (43Kb)
AppXprt Nov 5 '18
It says there is an unescaped line break in one of your scripts. What plugin did you disable? 

Did you have any of mine installed or any that hook into the messenger?

Check the script it is talking about, post more screenshot and contact me if you need help...
The Forum post is edited by AppXprt Nov 5 '18
Oxwall Türkiye
Oxwall Türkiye Nov 14 '18
If you pass the FTP information, I can take a look.