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Issue with setting the advertisement plugin. | Forum

Kumi Festus
Kumi Festus Oct 22 '12
So far I can set ads only at the bottom and the top. I want to add ads to the wall on the right and in the center of a page. As at now only the top and the bottom of pages can accept ads.
How do I fix that?
Alia Team
Alia Oct 23 '12
Kumi,  you can add more adds to other places by manually pasting banner code into the corresponding HTML file.
Kumi Festus
Kumi Festus Oct 23 '12
I can add the code to the html using ftp. Is that what you mean? Now I want to add banner ads to the side wall using ads plugin. Is that possible using the advertisement plugin provided by oxwall?
Kumi Festus
Kumi Festus Oct 23 '12
If I decide to use ftp to insert ads, it will be difficult for me to make appear at the side bar.
Alia Team
Alia Oct 23 '12
Kumi, currently advertisement plug in allows posting banners to header and footer only.
So it is not possible to post banners to other places using this plug in, unless you customize it ( custom code modification).

>>If I decide to use ftp to insert ads, it will be difficult for me to make appear at the side bar.

I am not sure what you meant here. Are you asking whether it is difficult to add banners via FTP?
Vladmir Oct 23 '12
I hope I have understood well, if not, sorry ....

Yesterday I installed the plugin "Advertisement
Simple banner ad management with geo-targeting "and I have it open here, shows options on top, footer and on my right side, if my ativesse has 3 columns, do not know if the show twice, but yes in the sidebar shows.

just add a banner on the side and it worked!

t +
Purusothaman Ramanujam
If you have cpanel you can open the appropriate html files and add your ads code.

If you are on FTP you can still do that.
Kumi Festus
Kumi Festus Oct 24 '12
I think the issue had to do with the theme I was using. I changed the theme and now I can have sidebar ads.

But I have one issue here.
I have to insert a custom code to the header.php file. I am using an FTP Client to edit the files but I can't locate the header.php file. I need the map to the header.php file. Thanks
Alia Team
Alia Oct 25 '12
Kumi, checked Oxwall .zip file,  we don't have header.php file, unless I missed it while searching.
Kamal Jan 2 '13
I want to embedd infolinks ads in the blog of my site. But i don't find the HTML file to embedd the infolinks script. Please help.......  Here's my site match33.com
Purusothaman Ramanujam

Use the Advertisement plugin from the store and use it. It will do the work for u.
Kamal Jan 2 '13
thanks...but  i should integrate the ads script in the blog text....not as a separate banner. The text in my blog appear as link. plz see attached image below

The Forum post is edited by Kamal Jan 2 '13
  infolinks.jpg (12.79Kb)
Purusothaman Ramanujam
I believe infolinks does not want you to embed their code inside your blog content. It will require you to add few scripts in the head/body section.. Verify it first.
Kamal Jan 3 '13
yeh they want the scripts in the body section........how can i do it?

Purusothaman Ramanujam
Great. so you now understand it has nothing to do with changing any html of blog posts.

Go to the link and add your scirpt in head or tail section. that should work.

Johan Oct 8 '14
I get an error 403 when trying to access the settings, any suggestions ?
ross Team
ross Oct 8 '14
please provide a screenshot of the page? 

what software version and advert. plugin version do you currently have?

rudolf abbey
rudolf abbey Dec 30 '15
Advertisement is fake it is not working any more
Tecca Dec 30 '15

Quote from rudolf abbey Advertisement is fake it is not working any more

It's not fake, it works. What's your problem with it? Might be best to open a new topic.
ross Team
ross Jan 3 '16
Rudolf, the advertisement plugin works as it is advertised. What is the exact issue you have with the plugin?
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