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Changed IP (?) - Site Nonfunctional (plugins were disabled) ??? | Forum

Blaire Dec 2 '18
I saw today that the plugins were not working on my site. I needed to "reset" for License IP in my Oxwall store Purchases.

I think this is because my host had to change some data? Hardware went bad and they migrated some information. IP changed I think but the nameservers are same. Said "no action is required" of me.

So, I go through and fix plugins. "Reset" the "License IP" and re-enter the License keys. No big deal!

Except, my site is still weird looking and practically inaccessible. No function.

I changed theme to default to see if it would resolve. (I usually run a free theme anyway). No fix. No more plugins need license key updates. Admin panel is accessible and functional.

I enable "dev mode" to true and then disable "dev mode" to false. No change.

I do run https not http
Maybe this is https error? How can I check?

Also, checked PHP version. On 5.6 still.

Error log last said error from yesterday:

[01-Dec-2018 17:58:11 America/Chicago] PHP Fatal error:  Cannot access  property OW_Plugin::$dirName in /home/site/public_html/ow_core/plugin.php on line 65

Any ideas to fix?
The Forum post is edited by Blaire Dec 2 '18
  dcglerror.png (66Kb)
Blaire Dec 2 '18
Okay. Weird. As soon as I posted this it resolved. So, maybe it was just a cache or delay on it applying the plugin updated IPs. Hmm...

Thanks anyway to whoever reads it! Hope it helps somebody in the future.
JB TECH Dec 3 '18
Judging by the missing theme, it was almost definitely cache-related. IPs changed, the cache hadn't reset yet. Good post though to help ease others who run into this.