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Problem with a purchase | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » Oxwall Store
Alex Feb 25 '19
I made this purchase and not showing up in my purchased items


I paid for it TWICE lol

AppXprt Feb 25 '19
They may be having some problems with the store, I haven't had anyone purchase a plugin in months so I'm not sure...
Oxwall Germany Club
Oxwall Germany Feb 25 '19
Topic was moved from General Questions.
Oxwall Germany Club
Oxwall Germany Feb 25 '19
We had several transactions at Oxwall Store today without problems. When exactly did you purchase the item? Sometimes it depends on the configuration of the developer's PayPal account.
Alex Feb 25 '19
I just made the purchases today. Made TWO. 


Quote from Oxwall Germany We had several transactions at Oxwall Store today without problems. When exactly did you purchase the item? Sometimes it depends on the configuration of the developer's PayPal account.

Patricia Zorrilla Leader
Patricia Zorrilla Feb 25 '19

Sumate lives in Cuba and there is no PayPal. PayPal is the only payment method of the OxWall store. Sumate is a friend of mine and uses my PayPal account for his sales here. I confirm that the money has arrived, but the OxWall store has not released the license. Right now I proceed to release a license for you.

Sumate and I regret the inconvenience, understand that the PayPal records do not include your nickname here and until I have read this topic I did not know that the purchase was yours.

Please do not see bad intentions in us.

Patricia Zorrilla Leader
Patricia Zorrilla Feb 25 '19
You can now download the plugin. Please do not forget to comment on the plugin page if you liked it and propose improvements, that encourages the developers, it will only take a few minutes and it benefits us all.
Alex Feb 25 '19
That's not a problem at all! Really appreciate your help! I purchased it twice. But tell him to keep the other $5 as well lol. Thanks!
Quote from Patricia Zorrilla Bcn You can now download the plugin. Please do not forget to comment on the plugin page if you liked it and propose improvements, that encourages the developers, it will only take a few minutes and it benefits us all.

Sumate Feb 25 '19
I'm glad to know that this problem is solved, I do not know why it's still happening. Thank you very much patri again for providing a quick response and for all the help. If you have any problem with the plugin let me know. Have a nice day
AppXprt Feb 26 '19
They need to lighten up on Cuba...
OW-Ghost Feb 26 '19
I want to dance in Cuba with some sexy Cuba lady :)
Quote from ViXiV Technologies They need to lighten up on Cuba...

AppXprt Feb 26 '19
LoL +1
Timothy Ferriss
Timothy Ferriss May 3 '23
A confirmation email or receipt for your purchase(s) should have arrived in your inbox by now. This email needs to include details about the blossom word game deal, like the order number and a rundown of the purchase.