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Google Contact Importer | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
david alex
david alex Oct 31 '12
Hello im having problems with my google contact importer, i have read the previous post on the topic and tried each step from the tutorial link, the tutorial link shows a older version of the google api and google has updated the application, it creates a redirect url: www.mysite.com/oauth2callback, is produced for you i changed the information to match the tutorial, but i get the redirect doesnt match. 

Can someone help me with this problem, i dont know what to do, should i create a folder on the server for the oath , i even changed the url from http: to https: and used the url configuration given the tutorial link?

Alia Team
Alia Nov 1 '12
David, I have followed instructions given in the tutorial and all went well. Can you try following them once more? If this doesn't work, can you make me screen shots of every step you make?
Stan Thompson
Stan Thompson Nov 1 '12
Hi Allia, I am using google connect but why is it that when members join using google connect it does not upload an avatar like facebook connect does?

Kind regards



david alex
david alex Nov 2 '12
i fixed the problem, i had to download the json file and add it into the directory folder www.mysite.com/google/oauth ; and the plugin worked.

thanks for the help

Stan brings up a good point?
Alia Team
Alia Nov 4 '12
Stan, as far as I know google connect plugin was developed by contributors and not Oxwall Software. So I can not tell why avatar is now showing up. Better contacting plugin owner.