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Plugin update (e.g. fbconnect) | Forum

Marco Giaccaglini
Marco Giaccaglini Apr 29 '19
Hi all, 

I need to update fbconnect plugin (and others).

Unfortunately my hosting does not allow me to create new FTP users (bad, I know).

Therefore at the moment:

- Oxwall is on a sub-dir  (/root/oxwall)

- automatic update reports errors as it connects to root directory and not /root/oxwall  (installation subdir)

What can I do? E.g.:

- 1) config plugin FTP update in order to use the /root/oxwall directory instead of /root

- 2) manual install the plugin (e.g. something like downloading the files on the owplugins/fbconnect directory + install.php)

Anybody had the same/similar problem?

Thanks in advance!


Oxwall Germany Club
Oxwall Germany Apr 29 '19

Please have a look at https://wiki.oxwall.com/install:update#manual-update1

Just download the updated version and upload it via FTP.

Marco Giaccaglini
Marco Giaccaglini Apr 29 '19
Thanks Oxwall Germany! I follow this path ... 

Additional question: I run v1.8.4 ... is the 'Update Plugin DB' button/command still available?

I do not see in the Admin menus ...

Is there a script to launch 'Update Plugin DB'?


The Forum post is edited by Marco Giaccaglini Apr 29 '19
Oxwall Germany Club
Oxwall Germany Apr 29 '19
Yes, you'll see the button once you overwrote the existing plugin files.
The Forum post is edited by Oxwall Germany Apr 29 '19
Marco Giaccaglini
Marco Giaccaglini May 1 '19
Hello Oxwall Germany,

first of all thanks for your reply/support, very kind and appreciated.

Unfortunately, after writing the fbconnect files, the command (expected something like 'Update xx' in the plugin list) did not show up.

I managed the following workaround:

1) unistall plugin

2) copy the new files (unzipped) in the owplugins/fbconnect directory

3) re-run the install command from 'Available plugins' page

Fresh install re-create the DB entries and all.

But NOTE: this can be a dirty/possible workaround when you CAN perform unistall. In case of fully configured plugins you may NOT want to unistall all.

Sorry for bothering but, additional questions so:

A) Is there a way to have the famous 'Update Plugin DB' command? I have v 1.8.4, can it being removed in the new versions?

B) Is there a way to configure the 'storage' component in order that it can be configured with [base oxwall] directory? I am expected that this can be an interesting parameter ... many installation may be not in the /root dir, right?

Thanks in advance!


Oxwall Germany Club
Oxwall Germany May 1 '19

Quote from Marco Giaccaglini 

A) Is there a way to have the famous 'Update Plugin DB' command? I have v 1.8.4, can it being removed in the new versions?

B) Is there a way to configure the 'storage' component in order that it can be configured with [base oxwall] directory? I am expected that this can be an interesting parameter ... many installation may be not in the /root dir, right?

A) Why do you want to remove this feature? The button is necessary to update the database when updating a plugin.

B) What exactly do you mean with "storage component"? It is already possible to install Oxwall in a different directory, just modify your htaccess file.