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Mobile "About" section on profiles is centered? | Forum

Blaire May 2 '19
I'm trying to figure out why the "About" section on my mobile version is very messed up and not readable. I go to a profile and click on the "About" button to go to the next section. It seems to me that the font changes size and becomes right aligned (moving it out of frame). How would I go about finding out what has happened?

I have been deactivating plugins to see if any of them change the formatting. I have not found the answer yet.

No problem on my desktop version. Just mobile version.

Any suggestions of where to look? How to fix?

The Forum post is edited by Blaire May 2 '19
  Mobile-About.jpg (80Kb)
Patricia Zorrilla Leader
Patricia Zorrilla May 2 '19
What theme do you have installed?
Blaire May 2 '19
Patricia Zorrilla Leader
Patricia Zorrilla May 2 '19
I'm going to try, I'm installing that theme now.
Patricia Zorrilla Leader
Patricia Zorrilla May 2 '19

I installed it at http://somoscd.es/testsite

user TestUser

pwd TestUser

and I see it right.

If you can reproduce the problem I can solve it,

If you do not have to be able to access your website to see it there.

It seems to be a simple issue of editing CSS

Blaire May 2 '19
I will send you a message.