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Not Delete or change some code! | Forum

Roshan Choudhary
Roshan Choudhary Nov 1 '12
{text key='base+join_promo'}I write here NOW NOT CHNAGECODE IS <form action="form_action.asp" method="get"><font color="#e06666"><button type="submit" value="Submit"><a href="http://www.mithilaface.com/?language_id=4"><font size="6">मैथिली</font></a></button><font size="6"> </font><button type="reset" value="Reset" style="font-size: xx-large; "><a href="http://www.mithilaface.com/?language_id=2"><font size="6">हिन्दी</font></a></button></font></form>
Alia Team
Alia Nov 5 '12
Roshan, can you specify what is the issue you have faced, what you did prior to it and what is your desired result?

From the post above I can assume that you have pasted the <form>.....</form> code as a translation to the "{text key='base+join_promo'}" phrase in admin panel> languages and something stopped working. It is not clear what is not working from your post.

Roshan Choudhary
Roshan Choudhary Nov 5 '12
i write this code for language option , now i want delete this code, but not deleted or change
Roshan Choudhary
Roshan Choudhary Nov 28 '12
help me, how to delete Manuel ?