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Icons on android | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Development » Themes
dave Leader
dave May 25 '19
Well i have researched and tested but i cant get icons to show up on my oxwall test site using android chrome, chrome is all i use.  I did use the chrome consule emulator and they are there.  But on my actual phone the links work but they are invisible links, no image at all.  

Is this a setting on my android or something with oxwall, do you know?

Anyone know how to get the icons to show up on android?

dave Leader
dave May 26 '19
OK well so far this is not a android issue, its an oxwall issue.   

As it turns out there are totally different class names for mobile icons.  For example

ow_ic_delete on desktop is actually  owm_close_btn on mobile   there are some icons that i cant find in mobile version so ill have to improvise.  

Seems my special mobile css file did load but it took a few tries and i had to actually clear the template_c folder contents to get it to load.   

And now the X icon shows up for delete 

The Forum post is edited by dave May 26 '19
Oxwall Germany Club
Oxwall Germany May 26 '19
Topic was moved from General Chat.