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Where the moderators of this forum do not arrive | Forum

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Patricia Zorrilla Leader
Patricia Zorrilla Jun 6 '19

Where the moderators of this forum do not arrive if PayPal arrives.

Recently there was a post from a developer that complained about the supposed updates of Aron, they replied that "they were reviewing", blocked the post and now the issue is eliminated.

I was so stupid that I bought one of their plugins, I complained to PayPal and they gave me back the money. I attach the image.

I really do not know what to think or do.

I have several finished plugins that I could put in the store, but few are sold, comments from OxWall Turkey discourage the bravest, the little that is sold is not always charged and then the taxes are deducted.

I think the main mission of OxWall moderators is to encourage the participation of fans. Because there are no big developers here: they are gone.

It is necessary to remember that we develop plugins for our own websites and that it takes us a long time to convert them into "salable", that is, they have installation, uninstallation, language support, settings panel for the administrator ....

All This is not necessary for plugins that are only used on our sites.

I was made to change the avatar of the "userinfo" plugin because the avatar did not like it "because it does not describe the function of the plugin" and I see other developers that put the same illustration of a cereal package in all the plugins. I see that plugins without support are still on sale, plugins that are shameless copies of each other are for sale, comments to plugins more than doubtful ...

I still do plugins, but I do not put them on sale. Or maybe I'll put them all for free. Or maybe he puts them all in the Chamial store if he finally creates a store and if he invents a more sophisticated fraud protection system.

I do not want anything, it's just a reflection.

dave Leader
dave Jun 9 '19
I was notified that they removed the fraud updates by aron but they were not able to change the listing itself, thats why they are still there. 
Patricia Zorrilla Leader
Patricia Zorrilla Jun 10 '19

3 days ago I have a plugin unapproved in the store because "the description is not understood", I've already written it several times (use Google translator), I've asked for help ... I'm still waiting.

It is only a small utility that restores damaged NewsFeed tables or after a reinstallation of newsfeed.

The first version of the description is this:

https://somoscd.es/testsite/memberads/view/18, I do not know, I translate it into Spanish and I think it was understood.

Now it is better, it is true, but it discourages that they do not help you a little or at least advise you.

Let's see what happens when this one goes up:


I was going to create a new plugin because it does not look anything like the original but I will choose to publish it as "update" so that they do not inconvenience. It is in the testing and bug correction phase, the one installed there is NOT the last one.

Marco Jun 10 '19

Quote from Chris_W You could try an Oxwall installation with dave's O-store or similar plugin, and have a link to it in your profile, and sell your plugins from your own store. You could also have a copy and paste signature in your posts with the link too. People don't tend to trust outside sources, but you are well known on here, and it wouldn't take long for your store to become trusted, and also it is getting to the stage where the Oxwall store can't be trusted by developers or customers.

It may even be time for someone to start up and run an Oxwall store that has a better system of checks and have developers by invite only. Maybe the Chamial site would be the place.... Marco?

no rpoblem. but i need developers to test then.
Patricia Zorrilla Leader
Patricia Zorrilla Jun 11 '19

Marco, I hope you cheer and do it.

I do not approve a plugin because the "description is not understood"

It is this:

This plugin allows the administrator to make all the members with friendships be followers of their friendships, and for all the members of groups to follow all the groups to which they belong.Equal to all members visit the profile of all their friends and click "follow" and visit all groups that belong and click "Follow"It requires having the newsfeed, friends and groups plugins installed and active, if they are not, it simply does not work and does not give errors for this.It is useful in these cases:* Install or reinstall the newsfeed plugin in a website already created with members, friends and groups* The ow_newsfeed_action_feed table has been corrupted* Your website has been created for a long time and there are members who have changed their privacy, have been suspended and reactivated or have hung many times.* You need more activity in DashBoard from low active or recent members.

For one or two that were going away to be sold and the hours that it costs to create and to prove a plugin they give desire to not publish anything.

According to OxWall, if the NewsFeed tables are corrupted, reinstall the plugin and all the members remain without following their friends and their groups. The fault is yours for not having copied this security from the database.

Mine has 302 tables and 1.34 GB (see image). How are copies made and how often? Stop the web 2 hours every day to do this with a guarantee that I do not have inconsistent data?

That you did not know that a NewsFeed table stored followers?

Without this plugin, if this is damaged, you tell ALL the members of your website to go to ALL your friends and ALL your groups and click "Follow" or you will see your empty DashBoard.

  Sin título.png (143Kb)
dave Leader
dave Jun 11 '19
Patricia, here are some helpful hints to assist in your plugin description. 

Keep your plugin descriptions in the xml file short, a sentence or two at the most. The longest one i have is the Ultimate Video Plugin and that is only because there is so much to cover.  But i could still shorten it some. 

Dont cover support issues on the description, that is what the support area is for.  Keep the description only about the plugin, what it does.  Dont get into how it does it, why it does it, errors, or anything else in the xml file.   

The plugin does this and stop...   I hope that helps. 


I am curious why you have 302 tables?

Why are you trying to submit a plugin that "may" cause a newsfeed error and crash?. I hope i understood you correct that you are getting corrupted newsfeed tables.  If i misunderstood please let me know and i apologize. 

I know you are trying to make things easier for your members, but trying to put all functions into one plugin (basically follow everyone) is not such a great idea. How are the users going to get familar with your site dear unless you let them push the buttons they want to push and learn where they are.  Sometimes you have to make users work for what they want, if one button does it all then they will get bored, just my opinion. 

Your plugins should NEVER have any errors (we are all guilty of that), when we find them we fix them.  And your plugins should NEVER cause any warnings either, even if they are not fatal.

If you have some special instructions for the user then put that in a readme.txt file

If you need some help ill do what i can to assist you.  :)

The Forum post is edited by dave Jun 11 '19
Patricia Zorrilla Leader
Patricia Zorrilla Jun 12 '19

There is a much shorter description in the XML, this is the last one I put in the store.

I thought it important to note that a plugin that requires three more to work has foreseen that one of them is not installed and active and have this circumstance well planned and resolved.

I have 302 tables because after 6 years and having tried many poorly made plugins, this is the consequence. There are many plugins that when uninstalled do not delete the tables they have created. There are also plugins that create too many tables. Attached a list for you to see, see for example the "auction" plugin, which besides not working creates 21 tables. See the attached list of tables

Another problem is orphan records, which point to non-existent members or other elements that are no longer available.

My plugin can not damage the news supply, it only affects the table where the tracking is kept, please read in more detail what I have written and apologize for the Google translation errors.

How do I explain to a member, a club, for example, that he pays me religiously for his quota on my website that his "news" (for example, a party with a famous DJ) is not shown to his followers in his DashBoard because the web is Has it broken down? Do you call "users going to get familar with your site" to tell them to go to their friends one by one and ask them to go to their profile and click on "follow"?

I was damaged by the NewsFeed tables, the news was corrupted and I had to reinstall the plugin. All the follow-ups disappeared. I created this tool to restore them and I published it because I think it could be interesting, not because I thought I was going to sell many copies. It has not been easy, it has required many hours of work because I have many thousands of members and the theoretical code:

$allFriends = $friendsDao->findAll();

foreach($allFriends as $friend)


  $eventParams = array(

    'userId' => $friend->getFriendId(),

    'feedType' => 'user',

    'feedId' => $friend->getUserId()


  OW::getEventManager()->trigger( new OW_Event('feed.add_follow', $eventParams) );


It does not work with so many thousands of users and I had to solve it in a much more complex way.

I will be happy to send you a copy of the source code of the plugin if you are curious

The Forum post is edited by Patricia Zorrilla Jun 12 '19
dave Leader
dave Jun 12 '19
OK now i understand, thank you for explaining.  :)    WOW 21 tables for one plugin, that is so crazy...... and surely not required..   I also know from the past that many devs did not do the deactivate and uninstall process correctly to remove what they added, those plugins should have never been approved in the first place.  

No copy needed but thanks.  

It is a major problem when so many plugins have deteriorated the original table content  to the point of never being able to remove them or correct the issue.  It is the long term effect of bad coding practices and bad approval practices.

I do understand why you did the plugin now and again thank for explaining, it makes sense now :)  

That is an impressive list, wow

The Forum post is edited by dave Jun 12 '19
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