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Developers not responding | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » Oxwall Store
Jason Jul 14 '19
What can we do if whomever we purchase plugins from and need assistance?  There a several developers on here that don't respond to our inquiries.  Are there developers here whom can offer support for others plugins?



Patricia Zorrilla Leader
Patricia Zorrilla Jul 14 '19

Only the developer of a plugin has the legal right to improve it and update it, but if you have a specific problem with a plugin the others can publish a "patch", that is legal.

We are a few plugin developers here, if it is a plugin that I have acquired and I can reproduce your problem I can see what happens.

It would be good to ask specific questions of the type "I get this error from this plugin when I do this" and attach a screenshot. 

Jason Jul 14 '19
Thank you for your response Patricia,

So it's risky to purchase plugin here as there are several that simply don't respond anymore and now we are stuck with a plugin that doesn't function properly or if we need modifications done.  There should be a stipulation when developers join that they are responsible for the support of their products to their customers and if they are not supporting their product they could lose the right to their plugin so other developers who are supporting customers can take over.

Oxwall Germany Club
Oxwall Germany Jul 14 '19
Topic was moved from General Questions.
Oxwall Germany Club
Oxwall Germany Jul 14 '19
We'll suggest a solution for this problem to Oxwall Foundation in the near future. You'll be informed if a change of the actual Store policy is made.
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