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Customise forum page only | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Development » Themes
Catkin Aug 8 '19

Hello Again!

I am back at it again trying to do something I thought would be relatively simple but has turned out to be quite hard! I am wanting the forum on my site to have a unique style to it that won't affect the other parts of the site that use .ow_alt2 ect, as shown below:

So I would like to set the forum page up like above without the changes affecting other pages like here below:

I tried using the same technique I was given by Senior Developer in this topic here. This does not appear to work for me, I admit I could be doing something wrong at the moment!

Would it be possible to modify the forum plugin to have a style sheet of its own? How would I add that?

All help appreciated!


Yours sincerely


Norias Aug 9 '19
Look the body classes of the forum pages.

The "set document key" plugin add some unique classes like "forum_ctrl_index_index"

Use this class in your css.

Catkin Aug 9 '19
See, that's what I attempted to do but it's not working for me. 
Catkin Aug 9 '19
I'm currently trying:

 body:not (forum_ctrl_index_index) .ow_alt2, tr.ow_alt2 td {   background-color: #23272a}

Senior Developer Leader
Senior Developer Aug 9 '19

+1 Norias


The "not" word is used when you want all pages but not forum to show that custom css.

That is wrong, also please take special attention to spaces and dots, do not add spaces if it is not needed or it wont work. A dot means it is classname, you can use "#thistagId" instead of dots in css when you want apply css to a tag with id="thistagId"

Try this:

 body.forum_ctrl_index_index tr.ow_alt2 td {   background-color: #23272a}

This selector apply the css to all table rows which has class "ow_alt2" on all pages where body has class "forum_ctrl_index_index"

Senior Developer.

The Forum post is edited by Senior Developer Aug 9 '19
Catkin Aug 9 '19
It did occur to me some time later after this post I had the logic wrong, but was still unable to work it out.

Thank you so much Senior Developer!