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Fatal Exception in Invitation Event Handler | Forum

AppXprt Sep 3 '19
Fatal Exception in Invitation Event Handler while registering through cached (PWA service worker) site. Possibly caused by Cache Response Update Request causing unexpected post replay that Oxwall is unable to understand or handle properly. May also be related to email containing extra period's, for instance:

Occurs on an Invitation Removal...

RemoveInvitation is getting passed an invalid or malformed Event Object.

The Forum post is edited by AppXprt Sep 3 '19
  Screenshot at 2019-09-03 10-14-23.png (81Kb)
Oxwall Germany Club
Oxwall Germany Sep 4 '19
Please provide a step by step manual to reproduce this error. Thank you.
AppXprt Sep 4 '19
That's just it, I'm not sure what I did exactly or if there was a previous invite. That email may have had an invite and on registration maybe oxwall removes the invite? I've not been able to replicate it which is one issue when dealing with caching and replay issues. The conditions have to be exact to replicate the issue, but if I am able to replicate then I'll provide more information.
The Forum post is edited by AppXprt Sep 4 '19