It could be an error that has not interrupted the installation of the Photos plugin or the Privacy plugin. and have been improperly installed.
This type of problem happened with old versions of OxWall and they always recommended deactivating all the plugins and activating them one by one to see what the problem appeared with. If this did not work, then uninstall and reinstall plugins, but with the latter the data of each plugin is lost and the widgets are deconfigured.
The two plugins are from and you will have read what you put in the presentation of your profile. I don't think he answers.
On the other hand these plugins are used by hundreds or thousands of websites .... They have no errors. I am sure that it is a problem only of its installation.
It could also be a problem of the plugin, we do not know if you have it installed
I recommend that you look for a developer you trust and allow you to access your server control panel and take a look because as an unregistered visitor we do not see the error nor can we help.
If you have sufficient knowledge, the steps would be to search for the phrase "Photo tags permisions not defined" in the language file and search for the corresponding key. Then look in all the PHP files that have this key installed to locate all the sites where the problem is occurring and provisionally add in them some impression of variables on screen to see what is not defined ... It is not complicated but if entertaining