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SaraBailey Dec 16 '19

Handheld And Canister Vacuums In-Dept Review

To find out what is the best vacuum cleaner for your house, you should know what type of surfaces you need to clean and the possible types of debris you have to deal with. Having the right vacuum will make your cleaning process much easier and more efficient.

In this post, we will brief you through Best rated vacuum cleaners in the handheld and canister sections to guide you during your journey to decide the most suitable vacuum cleaner for your house. 

Shark Ultra Cyclone Pet Pro+

Among a multitude of tested handheld vacuums, we decide that the Shark Ultra Cyclone Pet Pro+ is of the elite rank. Due to its lightweight feature, this cordless vacuum cleaner can be moved between different places easily and can reach tricky spots such as the interior of your car or high places in your house.

This vacuum also requires little effort on maintenance activities. The only maintenance task you have to carry out is to replace the dust cup filter since it’s disposable.

According to a laboratory test, Shark Ultra Cyclone Pet Pro+ has an impressive performance in a variety of surface types, including hardwood floors and thick carpets. Regarding kinds of debris, it is noted that this vacuum can deal with anything, even the most stubborn one. From coarse materials to hair clogs, everything can be taken away in a blink of an eye thanks to the vacuum’s great suction power and delicate turbo brush. That’s why this vacuum is highly recommended for pet owners.

Besides the superior features, this vacuum cleaner still has several drawbacks. The dirt compartment of this vacuum is considered to be small in comparison to other handheld models, so you have to discharge the dirt regularly. In addition, this vacuum has a short battery life of approximately 11 minutes and takes about 160 minutes to be fully recharged. Hence, you need to be quick with your cleaning chores. 

Miele Complete C3 Alize PowerLine

The Miele Complete is among the most outstanding canister vacuums in the market and get more ratings in Top vacuum cleaners reviews. This vacuum is a bagged one, and it has such an amazing suction power that nothing can escape: pet hair, small and stubborn debris, to be named a few. The suction power of this vacuum can be adjusted in seven different levels, which allows you to work on various types of surfaces, especially bare floors. 

Despite its heavy body, the Miele Complete C3 Alize PowerLine is surprisingly easy to carry around, thanks to its wheels - which lets the vacuum roll smoothly over low obstacles. Maintenance activities for this vacuum cleaner are also simple and not time-consuming, as it takes little effort to detach the parts you need to check or replace and then assemble them again. 

This canister vacuum is also compacted with many extra cleaning tools, which makes it compatible with different cleaning needs. Dusting brush serves light cleaning tasks, while upholstery tool deals with far-reaching spots. What’s more, this vacuum also has an accompanied LED light used when cleaning dark spots. 

Unfortunately, in spite of featuring rubber-like wheels to move around, this vacuum is still hard to be carried up and down stairs due to its cumbersome body. Moreover, both the cable length and the hose of this vacuum are pretty short, so it’s difficult for you to reach high places when cleaning. The maintenance cost might be exorbitant too, as there are three parts in this vacuum that need replacing regularly: the dirtbag, the pre-motor filter, and the HEPA filter.

Final Words:

Above are the ratings of Best Vacuum Cleaner of our team to help you decide upon the best vacuum for your house. A decent handheld vacuum will be useful when it comes to small places and light cleaning. Meanwhile, a canister vacuum proves to be more efficient for deep cleaning.

But that’s just our recommendation. After all, the choice is up to you, your cleaning needs, and your budget.

The Forum post is edited by SaraBailey Jan 28 '24
Oxwall Germany Club
Oxwall Germany Dec 16 '19
Topic was moved from General Questions.
OW-Ghost Dec 16 '19
can you send screenshot on the background you want to change color on, even better the url much easier
fidelma Mar 14 '22
That's a useful feature. i will use it in friday night funkin
donna Jul 28 '22
The handheld vacuum is one of the numberle most popular cleaning options around. It’s compact and 5 letter words lightweight, making it easy to take on the go. Plus, they’re great for cleaning up spills and cleaning upholstery.
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tracyberge Dec 12 '22
 There's really nothing to dislike about this game, it's made to perfection. Donkey Kong
The Forum post is edited by tracyberge Dec 12 '22