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How long will the Oxwall community software exist.? | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Rob Jan 21 '20

Will the software be improved, and is it wise to set up a website with Oxwall's software.?

Who is really in charge of the store.?

Which developers still provide real support.?

All questions which buyers of the themes and plugins ask themselves.!

A lot of people here regularly speak negatively about the company "Skalfa" which according to us, does NOT do anything more about the free community software and the associated store.!

This negativity certainly scares buyers.!

Ultimately, the question remains for website exploiters/owners

"install or not install the Oxwall software.?"

Patricia Zorrilla Leader
Patricia Zorrilla Jan 21 '20

Unfortunately I do not speak English and I have to use the Google translator. This makes communications very difficult and wastes a lot of time. There are those who do not know PHP and who do not know English.

From owspain.com I will keep OxWall. You won't find anything illegal, just patches for OxWall and plugins, nor full plugins.

Currently there are only a few tricks but it only takes a week, I had created oxwallspain.com but as it violates these regulations


I've had to change everything, plus I've been making a new plugin


That is awaiting approval.

From there I will be promoting OxWall, putting links to what I consider interesting, documenting the functions and processes for new developers and users.

Now I am working on the installation process


So that it works properly.

If you want to collaborate in owspain, you will be welcome, for example you can translate into English, create a list of things to do or what you see fit.

Just talking and asking is not enough, you have to work.

Rob Jan 21 '20

There are several people Patricia who use Google Translate, and we think that goes pretty well.

Whether setting up other websites to let Oxwall go ahead helps, we don't know.

We believe that things need to be tackled thoroughly on this website, but that is a task for the owners of this website.!

The store must also be tackled.!

But more importantly, the software needs to be addressed, and yes, you also need the owners there unless they gives the external developers the opportunity to adapt the basic software.

We (Admiraliteit Imedia) know very well that there are external developers who are in favor of Oxwall, but without the cooperation of Oxwall or Skalfa itself, these benevolent developers can't do anything.

Working on OWspain is not a problem for us, but what is a problem is the fact that we are not developers.

Translations, that's no problem.

Thinking about what the basic software should be in our opinion also no problem, but we have already submitted a lot of comments very regularly, but they have been rejected or dismissed as not adding anything.

That steps must be taken is certain, but again Oxwall or Skalfa must cooperate.!

Independent development has failed a lot of times.

By opposing different people/companies.

We had already given a reaction to the new development of recent period, and again that was dealt with as nothing (we have therefore removed our reaction there).

Sorry, but always bumping our head against something, we don't feel like it.

We were very enthusiastic about the basic software and also about the themes and plugins that were placed and sold here.

We exploiting websites and therefore purchase themes and plugins (if the price is reasonable).!

Unfortunately, we have also had to experience that items we have just purchased have been removed from our purchase list and we are of course not happy with that.!

We are still enthusiastic about Oxwall and themes/plugins, but the discussions we read in the forum do not really encourage us.!

With regards,

Admiraliteit Imedia

Patricia Zorrilla Leader
Patricia Zorrilla Jan 21 '20

OxWall version 1.84 is now available for download with the Dave installation patch (Thank you, Dave) that allows you to install PHP versions 7.0 and 7.1

Of course, I tried it

(in superiors I have not tried it)


This will attract new users, because installing a software and that error already installing it scares.

You may develop a new installer with a more careful presentation, less "steps" and with updated plugins because OxWall published more modern versions of Messages, Photo and Video later, and they are also public.

Just after installing, it already asks you to update them:

The Forum post is edited by Patricia Zorrilla Jan 21 '20
Patricia Zorrilla Leader
Patricia Zorrilla Jan 21 '20

Yes it works, with Dave's patch. I've been installing and uninstalling all afternoon to try.

I don't understand why it says this when some of us are striving to find alternative solutions.

Please cheer up and don't discourage

Marcus Jan 22 '20
Folks the majorety of the sites are written in pho5.6 its not gonna go away any time soon. Plus you can use whatever php version u want on your own vps or dedicated server. I ain't worried about that. But I get you point and your absolutely right. All it takes is some ti discover some really serious security flaw and we are doomed lol
The Forum post is edited by Marcus Jan 22 '20
Patricia Zorrilla Leader
Patricia Zorrilla Jan 22 '20
I disagree. Do not.On the one hand I don't know why you can not replace the few PHP functions that will disappear with 7.3 for an equivalent. With 7.2 OxWall works perfectly. In Google you have a lot of information about these functions and there are even sites where you upload PHP one by one and they tell you on which line they appear. Examples of function replacement also abound. It will not happen just and only requires patience.On the other hand, what they are giving problems with PHP> 5.64 are some plugins, and very few, but this is a more sensitive issue to check because there are many. There are some old ones that are incompatible with each other even with PHP 5.6In addition, there are many shared servers that support using the version you want, the one I hired for owspain.com is one of these (€ 9.99 / month), and the beast I have contracted for my website (€ 360 / month) per Of course it also supports it and it is not a dedicated server, I have hired 5 CPUs for my exclusive use and 10 additional CPUs that are shared with other websites.I can also change the coding of the databases from UTF8 to UTF8MB4 to my liking that it is an even bigger problem than PHP.Perhaps these limitations only occur on low-cost servers, I do not know because I have not used servers of this type for years in which bluehost deleted a website that was full of members (with joomla) because it had adult content.Together, we will make OxWall work forever.
Quote from Chris_W I'm not trying to discourage, I am trying to encourage further development. The end of php7.2 isn't far away, after that goes Oxwall won't run at all. with or without Dave's patch. Dave's patch is really needed at the moment, but is a time limited solution. We need to find out what it is in php 7.3 that breaks Oxwall and fix that.
Quote from Patricia Zorrilla Bcn

Yes it works, with Dave's patch. I've been installing and uninstalling all afternoon to try.

I don't understand why it says this when some of us are striving to find alternative solutions.

Please cheer up and don't discourage

OW-Ghost Jan 22 '20
in the last 4 years it have been many same topics same this one , i should guess about 30-50 and in the end nothing new will happen after very long discussion....

there is about 10 active developers at oxwall and this 10 developers need go together ....i not believe in team smaller then 8-10 people to make something very awsome with oxwall....i see one time 3-5 developers go together but it was not enough...they later all split up...

and if honest i think same was happen with oxwall and skalfa ...developers go they own way and the team shrink to 1-3 people

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Jan 22 '20
AppXprt Jan 23 '20
I eat my own words... Switching a current installation to 7.3 and even 7.4 seems to run alright provided you have all the PHP extensions required, but there are definitely going to be issues such as logging to apache error log.

AppXprt.com running PHP 7.4.1 (cli) (built: Dec 18 2019 14:44:22) ( NTS )

The Forum post is edited by AppXprt Jan 23 '20
OW-Ghost Jan 23 '20
there will bee errors if switch to 7,3 or 7.4 in error logs but i think you can run the software
Marcus Jan 23 '20
If it was up to me Id at least update once in a while nothing mojor just fix some stuff here and there this way would keep everybody hapey. But it just me baby. 
Patricia Zorrilla Leader
Patricia Zorrilla Jan 24 '20

I think the OxWall crisis is the lack of new users.

That makes the plugins not sell, the developers leave bored and even Skalfa who is the owner of all this loses interest.

It is a ball that rolls downhill.

Where does the problem begin?

Put yourself in the shoes of a creator of small websites, of which they install "PrestaShop", WordPress "and other free packages (although then you have to buy plugins). You do not have much budget, and you have to" sell "your idea to mount a web to your colleagues, friends or a client.

I've looked at the page again https://www.oxwall.com/order

and some promotional pages from other scripts.

OxWall prices start at 999 USD .... That's outrageous. Some examples:

Crea8social, Joomla, MooSocial and WoWonder cost 99 USD

phpSocial 39 USD

QuickDate, Breeze and PixelPhoto 59 USD

BuuhV 35 USD

and there are many more

Until recently it was announced as free.

It still is, but only if you know where to download it.

We are scaring and despising new users of the script.

I want OxWall to be free.

It is appropriate that OxWall charges a percentage of the sales of plugins, and with this system OxWall grows, earns money, there would be more users and plugins would be sold.

Currently OxWall does not charge anything for each sale of plugins, this is not correct either.

The Forum post is edited by Patricia Zorrilla Jan 24 '20
Eduard Feb 17 '20

Quote from Patricia Zorrilla

I think the OxWall crisis is the lack of new users...

There are several hosting companies who offer FREE Oxwall via Installatron. No installation issues and it runs great. Too bad Oxwall isn't promoted that much. I'm a new user and so far I'm impressed with Oxwall and the plugins that came with it.
OW-Ghost Feb 18 '20
and one more way marketing oxwall

make server image just for oxwall on AWS, google market and with a click the softare installs on a cloud server that have all good basic settings

sadly they was never do that...and skadate never did to

The Forum post is edited by OW-Ghost Feb 18 '20
AppXprt Feb 19 '20
Yea, we talked about that Ghost and I still think it a great idea...
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