I have all the code added, everything shows up in the UC list, i added points so now i have my plugin items listed under receiving credits 10 each..
And nothing is listed under losing credits.
So what is suppose to happen now, if i try to do something is there suppose to be a message that comes up that says i cant do it and i need credits or what... I just dont understand the purpose of this plugin.
Can someone explain please. Thanks
Losing credits section is set how and where?
NEVERMIND i got it, wow if it was not for the hover message i would never have known that... you use a postive or negative number for gaining or losing..... they need to add some text to the page to make that obvious...
So now what happens... i dont have any credits and yet i can do stuff.... is there another settings somewhere in the UC that i have to set
OK i found the subscription menu item and the profile widget's, that part i understand... So it appears that all that is left to do is to add the logic code to block the access if not enough credits. Honestly im kind of surprised. For 99 bucks im surprised its not all done for us since it grabs the group action values... But oh well. :)