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how do i change this logo | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Development » Themes
Yves Nov 17 '12
Hi community,

when i share my content true the rss feed that post auto on twitter and FB i always get the oxwall logo as a thumbnail in my posts .

What can i do to change the thumbnail?

Thank you

See attachment
JB TECH Nov 18 '12
In Facebook, when a link with the HTTP:// protocol or card is enabled, it is read, and scanned for content on that page. The page your sharing may have a set of images with it. If there are images on it, you can use their left / right arrow buttons to change it. If there aren't any added images on that page, the only one you'll find is the OXWALL SOFTWARE LOGO.

So, if your shared page has no image content besides the OXWALL branding, you can easily disable the thumbnail, and just have the link and page summarized content (text.)

Yves Nov 18 '12
Hi OW,

Before all pages were visible for guests and members now they are only visible for members but that doesn't change the issue at hand.
In both cases the logo of oxwall is the thumbnail in all my auto posts to FB and twitter.
I realy want that logo gone and my own logo instead.
Den Team
Den Nov 21 '12
Topic was moved from General Chat.