There are ways to validate an email address domain using php such as this little function here.. its one way to sort out fakes.
function isValidEmail($value)
if (filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) == FALSE)
return 0;
//explode out firstpart and secondpart
//local and domain names
list($firstpart, $secondpart) = explode('@', $value);
$firstLength = strlen($firstpart);
$secondLength = strlen($secondpart);
//check for lengths and if valid MX or A record
if( $firstLength > 0 && $firstLength < 65 && $secondLength > 3 && $secondLength < 256 && (checkdnsrr($secondpart, 'MX') || checkdnsrr($secondpart, 'A')) )
return 1; //valid
return 0; //not valid
}// close function isValidEmail
Look at the EmailValidator class in ow_core/validator.php
maybe I'll give you a hint