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Featured store listings | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » Oxwall Store
dave Leader
dave Jun 3 '20

I will be removing any featured plugins or themes from developers that have abandoned their stores and/or the plugins dont work. 

What i would like from you all is give me some ideas on what qualifies a plugin to be featured.  Remember this is a manual process, there is no automation so the moderation team will need to manaully add and remove featured items.

I would like to get some feedback from all of you on how you would want the feature plugins and themes process to work.

I have some ideas but lets see how you feel. 

Thanks Dave :)

Bob Bob
Bob Bob Jun 3 '20
I think it would make sense for only free plugins to be featured. 

Oxwall desperately needs to pull in more new users. New people who arrive and see plenty of good-quality, free, featured plugins are more likely to install and use Oxwall. 

Drawing attention to free plugins is good for Oxwall, good for the users, good for the people who visit Oxwall-powered sites, and ultimately good for the developers (as more new users eventually means more sold plugins).

dave Leader
dave Jun 4 '20

Thats a great idea bob, there would need to be some other qualification though.  I mean if a free plugin has no support and does not work then we cant have it on the featured list.  So that rules out ALL free plugins but GOOD free plugins is great.  

I have considered a random array every 30 days, once a product has been listed it is not elegible again until all others have been listed. So basically the array will get smaller and smaller until the array is empty.  Then it flips the data and starts randomly running through the cycle again. We can do that with free and paid, or just do all GOOD free and then add on the paid. 

If we do enough every month we can run through all the good products every year.. We would also need to filter it so that not all featured is all by one dev in a given month.

The Forum post is edited by dave Jun 4 '20
Patricia Zorrilla Leader
Patricia Zorrilla Jun 4 '20

Great job, Dave, this cleanup was really needed.

The problem with free plugins is that they discourage new versions.

For example, the Skeleton plugin. All of us who make plugins have started there and it's very clear that it's a very basic version, badly documented and there are things that it doesn't have, like the whole mobile version part among others. Groups and Forum also deserve an urgent review.

The prices of the plugins... Most of them are cheap, look in other similar stores:


I think that besides cleaning the antique shop without technical support what we need is new users. I understand that OxWall.com has abandoned us because we do not bring them any benefit, perhaps the solution is to modify the economic conditions of the store and that a percentage of sales would go to OxWall.com and thus put us a more attractive cover. Maybe 20%, I would not pass it on in the prices because I am an amateur and I do not live from this, but I would understand that other developers do. If there are new users there will be sales, currently there are not, you can see that there are no questions or doubts about new installations in the forum.

The Forum post is edited by Patricia Zorrilla Jun 4 '20
dave Leader
dave Jun 4 '20

+1 patricia  i am positive that much of that will come as we progress forward.  :0) 

I was thinking for featured products, maybe possibly using user votes as a determination. 

dave Leader
dave Jun 4 '20

All great points and all needed!  We can discuss ways of making oxwall great again MOGA in another topic actually the MOGA topic here


But lets try to please stay on topic here and discuss the featured items process if we can.   :)

I am glad to have all of you thinking and helping, thank you !

dave Leader
dave Jun 5 '20

There is a link to the featured items. I have done nothing yet so these may change since the link is not public. 
