Thanks SD, you understand what i have on mind, but dave probably not. I try again. When somebody stole plugin, first things what he do is checking install.php code and remove any callback, so only thing what you can do is hide callback function on plugin script, because he is lazy and dont check other code. My callback function is used only on installation and sometimes after big update plugin, only thing is that they is on other file than install.php. Why? because i dont want refactoring code on files in upgrade folder, so plugin don't have extra, unneccessary code, plugin size is maller, so this are profits. I don;t argue with rules that you can send only site url, site amil and license key, but i dont understand why this must be on install.php file, which is the first file, which stealer checking.
You want for us to resign wuth extra security layer, which can better proctect developers but dont offer anything on exchange. If oxwall store will be better protect us, then any callback function cant be written on code. Maybe this is solution. Create better security mechanism, when you check if one licenses = on plugin key (many users have many oxwall sites on one server ip, they violate OSCL license, but you dont anything with that, because you check ip server dont site url). When you create better security mechanism, they prohibit callback functions. And dave, Commercial Plugins on oxwall store don't open source code
I have some questions:
- Who approved this rules from oxwall Team? Maybe Oxwall Germany confirm that he approved this rules too, because now this is that as dave create some rules and now we must approved eveyrhing what he thinks. So maybe you create official oxwall document on oxwall wiki, where you writes who approved this rules. Rules should be result on consensus, consensus form oxwall team and developers. You write on idea open source, but you don't want hear voice from developers, you created rules without consulting it with us, you dont inform as about it (topic still have topic "propsed") and you started suspend plugins and the reason are "PROPOSED RULES", this is not fair, i spend many hour to develop good, quality plugins for oxwall and this actions cause that i fell that i want abandon oxwall, licenses don't sell as good as earlier and i try maintain my all plugins, so maybe if you on certain point suspend my all plugins then i abandon this project. But you harm my clients doing this action (and i write it again, only thing which are reason suspending my plugin is that callback function isn't on install.php plugin and i write what i do this), because nobody can modify my plugin code as it is protect by OSCL license.
- IF i start coding some php code using base64 and other function to protect my code and execute it using eg. eval() function you also supsend this plugins? This is other way which can protect my plugins, but you dont get clear php code, but some encoded string.