To answer your question it can only be done via a plugin or major editing of the core if you want a true unique table approach.
However, what would be the purpose? The user roles and account types take care of this internally so what would be the purpose of having a different login.
What I am trying to do is have one set of videos visible to only certain people.
With the current video plugin you cannot set conditions per video.
Any suggestions?
So i assume maybe this might be promotional videos or maybe some topic that only applies to vip users. So user roles wont work because it covers all video access.
There are several options:
1. a plugin
2. editing the core code
3. only share the video links with vip people
4. password protect the video folder via cpanel and then give vip the password.
5. include the videos on a custom page and then only give out that page to vip members
might any of those suggestions work?
Perhaps, is there a way to run a plugin twice under a different name? Basically you have one for the public and one you restrict
Yea thats the problem my site is more of a social site so everyone kind of know each other but I wanted to separate certain videos.
I was looking into hosting certain videos and was looking to buy your plugin but money is very tight these days with everything going on.
Yeah i totally understand, take care of yourself and family first, other things will come. :)
If you wanted to try a custom page for videos its rather easy to do using embed and sizing the images and you can do it all with html and maybe alittle js. But then again you could just use your youtube channel for the vip. Hopfully someone might make a plugin to do this one day.
Hey Dave I have a question since you are the master coder.
How can you create an overlay to create a window over a video as to not to be able to click a top or bottom buttons.
For example when you embed a youtube video. Picture attached.
The user can click the center to play and pause the video so it would be great to be able to create an over lay so the person would only be able to press the middle of the video.
Like have a transparent window over the video.
or better yet to avoid right clicks have a button that will simulate a window click, so you would have the video protected and can only be played by pressing the created play button.
That is a totally different topic, please remember to make a new topic in such cases.
Master, thanks but im far from that.... This would involve JS at a level that is above my knowledge. SD is the js wizzard around here, he can help you better than i could. I can open a window but as far as adding clickable transparencies, that is above me. But i think they can be added using css as well...
Have you considered using videojs (videojs.com) they may have options to do that. Remember that i use videojs in my video plugin so i hope if you use it, it wont conflict.