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Please stick to standards | Forum

dave Leader
dave Aug 10 '20

All the time you hear me talking about "sticking to standards" but yet time and time again i see non standard issue coding.  

I am not talking about wrong coding that fails plugin inspection.  I am talking about letting your ego get the best of you and trying to show off what you can do and bypass standard oxwall process. 

Here is a perfect example:  

The activate and deactivate files are there for a reason.  That reason is to process the code for activating or deactivating plugins. That is why its there so use it for that.

But instead what i see is all that code removed in some plugins and special classes designed and called in other files to do that job.   This effects other plugins that may need to attach to your plugin and if you dont stick with standard issue ways of doing things then other plugins break. 

I know that many of you are very talented and in some ways more talented than i am.  But please stick with standard oxwall coding and process. 

No one really cares how many fancy classes you can make, they just want things to work as they should.  And when you go against the grain and start doing custom class processes for oxwall process that has already been established and works, then it just creates issues for nothing but ego.

When you activate a plugin you need to basically do a few things. 

Add a menu item  (main menu or mobile menu or both)

Add the sitemap service code

Add any widgets that you need

Add any other plugin calls that you need if you integrate another plugin.

and thats pretty much it, oxwall will do the rest.

When you deactivate a plugin you just undo what you did in the activate file and oxwall will do the rest.

For the sake of making things easier, please stick to old school standard oxwall process and calls in the activate and deactivate files, there is no need for fancy class calls outside of these files other than stroking your ego.  

Thanks so much..

Dave :)

The Forum post is edited by dave Aug 10 '20
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