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Ken Dec 31 '20
Yeah he has to leave a few plugins so it won’t be so obvious and you’re welcome to hack https://sochaseme.com/ if not tell me the steps to see the issues but it’s all text I build some plugins myself so I know a little coding so tell me anything....
The Forum post is edited by Ken Dec 31 '20
Ken Dec 31 '20
Purus and Aron had great plugins and Don’t forget why owspain.com store was created but back to Aron case reproduce the errors and hack or issues
dave Leader
dave Dec 31 '20

Wow ken i really dont know where you get these thoughts from, i have been trying to get the store to grow with competition for many years, but with quality.

The fact that Aron never argued with having his plugins removed says it all, he knew they were junk on the inside, he knew he had a good run and made alot of money selling junk and that it was all over now.   That is why he just caved in and let it go. 

Now  Puru on the other hand was an excellent programmer, he did things correctly and i was really saddened to see his stuff go.  I had many conversations with Puru and he was at the time very professional in both presentation and coding.  The problem with Puru was that he stopped supporting his plugins totally because he was upset at Oxwall over some minor plugin list situation from what i recall.   So rather than trying to stick around until it got better he just abandoned his stuff.  That is why his plugins were removed because of complaints they didnt work right because of lack of updates and no support.    This is a much much different situation than with aron, they are two extremes apart.

I wont sit here and tell you all the stuff wrong with Arons plugins because that would just be advising the bad guys what to do.  And i wont do that, however...

Here is one thing you can look for in any aron plugin.   Look for any line that starts with

$sql  Those are database queries meaning he is getting data from the database.

When you find that code (and you will in many of his plugins) in the base files (not in bol folder) they do not belong there.  Oxwall offers class protection for database queries, that means that the connection relationship to get and save data is protected by a class making it much safer. That is what the bol folder and those classes are there for.

Aron was too lazy  (or didnt know what he was doing) to use this protection, those queries do not belong and it is very dangerous to have them in the base files.

That is just tip of the iceburg. 

I have no clue how to prove to you that your thoughts about me are fantasy, you believe what you want to believe i guess.   

The Forum post is edited by dave Dec 31 '20
Ken Dec 31 '20
Ok you asked for it
Tell me why the user Ajith Joseph plugins doesn’t work at all but are still on oxwall and not arons and purus plugins that somewhat works well
Reason why because it’s not competing with Dave plugins....
Example: In the music industry there’re many genres like oxwall have plugin categories for music there are hip hop, country, reggae, jazz, etc... but rappers go after rappers because that’s their competition in hip hop.... rappers not going to compete with the rock artists or country composers because it’s different class or music although not all people are like that yet they are a few that’s like that....

So Why Dave didn’t get rid of the live tv plugin or the love calculator that doesn’t work at all is it because Dave doesn’t have those plugins or .... Why is it that Dave have the only oxwall store plugin and the only video upload plugin because he has the same plugins as Aron and Purus and if people see Aron’s shoppro plugin next to Dave’s Ostore plugin wish one would you buy..... the Aron “I candy” one as they say or Dave’s old fashioned coding Ostore... Wish one
Purus redesign video upload or Dave’s ultimate upload video
people not going to buy Dave’s plugins compared to Arons and Purus so he eliminated the competition to sell only his.... you have to see things with a different eye to really understand get my drift....
Patricia Zorrilla Leader
Patricia Zorrilla Dec 31 '20

I don't think Dave removed plugins from the store to favor his own. No. Dave has too few of them and I don't think they are selling as many as would be an interesting business that would justify being disregarded.

He did what he could to clean up the store.

The store was full of garbage, you have to admit that. It was a problem inherited from previous moderators. I think it would have been better to add a note of moderation, or a "review", or a comment in the sub-forum that each plugin has advising or advising against its purchase or use.

But there are useful things there, right now there is a developer - not me - who is working on a new version of Purus's "New User Alert",


and he is doing it because he has been able to download the outdated source code from owspain.com

The Purus plugin works, but it has important shortcomings because it warns you when someone registers, but not when they have verified their email and in sites with many daily records it is more annoying than useful, but it is useful in small sites ... It is clear that can be perfected very well. The new developer already has half a plugin done.

The Forum post is edited by Patricia Zorrilla Dec 31 '20
Ken Dec 31 '20
I understand your point Love but you cannot favor or choose to take a certain plugin out because it’s not working for whatever reason and then leave the others that are not working at all... People will interpret this in another way maybe prejudice or bias
Example: if you say hey everyone with an Id can come to an event then when you get there you see others getting in without an identity it look suspect and inconsistent not to mention unfair that’s my point all rules should apply to all not just some
The Forum post is edited by Ken Dec 31 '20
Sumate Dec 31 '20

I'm sure Dave is doing the right thing, I don't understand why you're trying to smear his name and all the good work he's done in the store I'm not the oldest here, but I've been in oxwall for a long time and I can assure you it's not for sale So much as to want to eliminate that "Competition". I myself suffered the consequences of a poorly organized store with disastrous and dangerous plugins long ago. Let's work as a community to help the software not die, we do not gain anything by arguing among ourselves.

Merry Christmas to all

Sumate RelajoSoft

Ken Dec 31 '20
That’s my only argument since day one let’s work together and not let it oxwall die but people will tell you Oxwall got cancer the ship will sink and such on the other hand continue to sell plugins it’s very confusing but brainstorming on better policies for all is where it should start.....
dave Leader
dave Dec 31 '20

If there are still plugins that dont work or no longer have support or the developer has abandoned them and they are still in the store, the reason for that is that noone has brought that to my attention.  I cant possibly have the time or the inclination to download every single plugin, install it, testit, look at the php, html, css, and js code all as a volunteer, sorry but someone has to complain in order for me to look at something.  That is just the way it is, if i get a complaint then i will take action.  Boy you sure ask alot of the volunteers dont you lol..

I think the biggest issue Ken is that you are either hanging around the wrong group of people in your life or the wrong industry, and that has tarnished your outlook of people.  Believe it or not there are still people in this world like myself that believe character counts, that being honest and decent (even when noone else is around) matters.  To treat people as you would like to be treated and to not let personal bias effect the decision, that is how i was raised.  Sure i have my bias on some things but i have never let that make my decisions.  If aron would clean up his act, fix his plugins, and treat people with value, i would welcome him back to the program with open arms, even though i dont trust him personally.  That is the way i am, i give everyone equal chance to make things right regardless of how i feel. 

That is the way it should be, and i wish everyone in the world was like that.  But sadly they are not, and i think many that are not like that happen to be in the music industry, it is a very competitive industry just like the movie industry and its a dirty business, you have to have a thick skin and be tough and even alittle tricky to survive.  But that is not how i ran my business before i retired and not how i do this task on Oxwall. 

I would never ever ever remove anyones plugin or even report them for being in the same category as mine, that would not be right to do and i would never do that.  The only reason that there is not another video upload plugin or another store plugin is that no other developer has written one. 

And my thinking is that they have not done so because it takes alot of time doing research and alot of coding to do it.  My store plugin has tons and tons of file, probably the largest 3rd party plugin on oxwall with regard to number of files. And it took me 4 months to write it in my spare time.  The video plugin i had to learn FFMPEG first, and that was a huge task, which is why i should be asking $100 + for the plugin but im not because i know that users cant afford it.  That one as well took me months to code, the first 40 days was just learning FFMPEG and videos in general as i knew nothing at all about video when i started.  

This is why i think noone does either of those because it takes so much research and time to do it...  But that is the only reason, it has nothing to do with any sort of competition.

Sure my plugins dont have the fancy fonts and the pretty eye candy but they work and i have had very very few issues.  There are some issues but i still believe those are server issues because i can install it on just about any system out there and it will work perfect, those issues are isolated to very few customers, and im talking 1 or 2 customers out of all of them. 

Regarding AWS i dont support them because they have nonstandard server settings which causes issues with alot of plugins not just mine.  Some work ok and others dont because of thier non standard settings.  AWS is cheap for a reason...

Regarding me having plugins for sale still... I have wanted to close my store down for well over 2 years now but i did not because at the time i did not know the future of oxwall. Now that i know that it is fading away i for sure want to close my store and i have made a topic on this forum talking about that very thing, you can find it if you look. 

The reason i have not is for several reasons, first patricia's venture is still in the early stages and i dont want to close my store and then have her close down because that would be bad for my customers.   Also i have to consider the legal end of things, i could be legally bound to keep my store open as long as there is even one customer that has my plugin.  I dont have to sell anymore but i have to leave the store open in case they need support.  I have heard that oxwall has reached out to developers that have shut down their store and forced them to put it back to take care of existing customers.  I dont want that to happen to me.

Once i know that my customers have a place for support so  they have a valid key to use, that is not attached to oxwall, then i will most likely begin the process of closing  the store and then ask Oxwall to remove me from moderation, and then leave for good.  But until then i have a job to do and i will do it without bias and without dishonesty.   Whatever happens after that is no longer my concern. 

I am sorry you feel the way you do about me, i certainly dont deserve such hits on my reputation or abilty or achievments.  But again people will think what they think, if they dont trust people in general then of course i cant just expect them to give me a break, i wish they would but suspicious minds will always be suspicious minds.

If you know of a plugin that has issues, tell me... im not a mind reader...

The Forum post is edited by dave Dec 31 '20
dave Leader
dave Dec 31 '20

I should also mention that puru's video plugin did not use FFMPEG so customers were complaining that they could not convert videos.  That is why mine uses both FFMPEG and default php upload.  FFMPEG for those that need it and have it installed, and php upload for everyone else.  With basic php upload it supports whatever the browser supports, mp4 and a few others (just like puru's did) but with the FFMPEG support that only mine has, you can upload so many more types of videos and convert them to mp4.   That is why mine is unique...  But i gave the idea to puru first as i did with many of the ideas i had, he made improvments to his plugins and developed plugins based on my suggestions..

When i first started here i was a user just like many of the rest of you, i had no desire to even have a store. But i eventually did so because people could not get things done with other developers even though i handed them sales on a silver platter.  That is why i dont have bunches of plugins, it was never my intention to be in the plugin business.

The Forum post is edited by dave Dec 31 '20
Ken Dec 31 '20
Maybe I was exaggerating but don’t kill oxwall if you do that’s suicide —HappyNew Oxwall year to all
The Forum post is edited by Ken Dec 31 '20
dave Leader
dave Dec 31 '20
Happy New Year to you too Ken, as well as everyone at Oxwall :)  Please get a ride if you are going to drink or have a designated sober driver.  :)
Ken Jan 1 '21
Quote from dave Happy New Year to you too Ken, as well as everyone at Oxwall :)  Please get a ride if you are going to drink or have a designated sober driver.  :)
Same to you........
The Forum post is edited by Ken Jan 1 '21
Daniel Feb 25 '21
I don't understand why my plugins are selling on that website. can any one please remove. i only sell on the official oxwall store.

BTW, that website is too ugly, i don't want to put my plugins to that website because it will affect my plugin reputation.

dave Leader
dave Feb 25 '21
Yes please keep us posted on this, i dont want anyone to get the wrong impression if it was an innocent oversite of some kind.  
Patricia Zorrilla Leader
Patricia Zorrilla Feb 25 '21

Your plugins are not for sale at https://owspain.com, Daniel, they are only advertised.

If someone wants to buy them, they cannot, in the description of the plugins they clearly indicate the URL they have in the OxWall store.

Only plugins whose authors have uploaded them themselves are for sale, the rest are either only advertised or are free.

The developers I have written to have not replied, so I continue to develop and compile plugins, versions, patches and everything on OxWall. Nonprofit.

I'm working on a proper documentation for new installations and developer guides, with examples and screenshots. I will publish it when it is more advanced.

I'm sorry for this hostility on your part, I guess I can't count on your support to continue the development of OxWall.

If the site is ugly, it is because OxWall is ugly, because it is a standard installation. Right now I'm more interested in content than in an attractive cover.

dave Leader
dave Feb 25 '21

Glad we got this taken care of..  Daniel if you dont want them on the OWS site then just let patricia know and im sure she will listen :)   No harm done and im glad you asked about it in the public forum so we could all learn.. 

Regarding OWS i just see it as a site from spain but thats just me... I know that spain is all about bright colors red and yellow and green, the basic colors of red yellow and green chilli peppers, and colored bell peppers, tomatos. Spain is all about bright colors and so the colors dont really bother me because i know its the spanish culture.  :)

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