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Troubles with multi-language | Forum

Helike Nov 22 '12

I was just translation my website (3000 entries @w@) and I noticed that some newsfeed activies aren't translated.

I'll post a screenshot to show the error.

There's anyway to make the Oxwall translate the Newsfeed activies aginst create one, untranslatable, on the actual language?

  lang_error.png (480.33Kb)
Helike Nov 22 '12
PS.: Finally the bots helped in something '-'
Helike Nov 23 '12
I still translating my web site and the bug appears more often and in diferents ways (user liked userx's status, user commented userx's status, email notifications, etc)
The Forum post is edited by Helike Nov 23 '12
Victor Daniel Tremblay
Helike : I modified some of the phrases in english and french translations and the "contact us plugin" and email notifications do not work anymore ;-(.

Trying to fix it.  If I find a solution I will come back and post it.  Please do the same ;-)


Victor Daniel Tremblay
Actually how come there is no default and decent "Contact Us" application installed with Oxwall?
Helike Nov 24 '12
My Contact Us still workin' fine o3o'
Mohammad Nov 25 '12
Helike : about the screenshot...it's because newsfeed show the language that members are using,if they using english language,newfeed show their activities in english
The Forum post is edited by Mohammad Nov 25 '12
Alia Team
Alia Nov 25 '12
Helike, we are aware of this issue. Right now whatever happens in newsfeed ( like somebody joined or liked something) is saved as static content in the language user used. To translate this into other languages, content should be saved dynamically. This requires complex changes within the whole software. This fix requires a lot of time, and will be added within one of the next builds.
Helike Nov 26 '12
Hum... Okay.

Thanks Aliia and Mohammad.