if any of you do not understand that, you shouldn't be buying or selling anything AT ALL !
and Purus, don't waste ur time with all these man .. come on .. u r too bz for this, NO ? ....and where the hell is my tutorial ? lol just kidding ..
Purus just ignore this thread and keep up the good work buddy.
much a developer would want to make you the same thing. Im willing to bet you do not get a quote thats less then 200 for anything. If you dont want it then dont buy it. If you dont like it then return it. Meanwhile 100's of users need help and your in here bitching and complaining about the prices of plugins from our only few developers.
I will be releasing a video chat soon that will be in the 100-200$ price range. I cant wait to hear how all of you want it for pennies after i paid dollars to have it made.
My whole point, is that most of the plugin developers don't plan their pricing correctly.
the fact that we have someone making plugins at all is excellent! this was not the case for a very long time. We want to pay for excellence.
I think that discussions of plugin quality are important (pricing - less so), so I'm all ears when somebody touches the topic. Our only purpose with the Oxwall Store is to build a comprehensive resource of excellent plugins and themes for Oxwall.
Pricing is something I see of less importance, because free market and community will settle with whatever makes sense for different stages of the project.
Thanks everybody for your feedback. Happy New Year!
Maybe it's better to look at it this way: We'll review all incoming plugins to make sure they meet the increasing quality standards but we will not review price.
There's no difference in quality requirements between paid and free plugins. I can recall an episode when we didn't want to approve a paid plugin into the Store. The developer said "Never mind, I'll make it free then", and he was really surprised that we didn't let it in even with the $0 price tag.
There's a common misconception about "price/quality ratio" that came from the world of physical goods, and which does not exactly apply for intangible products. We will approve a $200 plugin that puts a few links and pictures on your site, given that what it does may be valuable for buyers and meets quality standards. And then we'll let the market decide if the price is reasonable.
We are not going to set policies for prices - this is a slippery slope. We are not in a position to assess self-costs and margins for developers. Protecting customers' experience has nothing to do with prices.
I really do think that Pauls comments about an ebay style setup make much sense with oxwall getting a percentage and to cover costs of the store. If they did then more investment in the store could be made to keep it the best available.
Also it would be relatively easy to create a certificate authority on the oxwall site that allows private keys to be downloaded to sites with plugins so that multi sites don't get one for all.
The mechanism for licensing could be built into oxwall.
If you want oxwall to really take off then contribution licensing would add much. If you are going to help out on the forum, provide documentation or plugins and you get enough user reviews then you can get free or at least reduced rates.
It also acts as an anti-leaching mechanism and promotes contribution.
Also whilst I am thinking about it, anyone done an oxwall admin guide ebook. Would be welcome for me in the store as I could just give my users the ebook and say do it your bloody self :)
I don't think oxwall should be held in anyway responsible for pricing or plugin in quality. Again it goes back to pauls ebay style store. Not only should each plugin have a rating but the developer should have an overall score. The community should give feedback and two many bad reviews then the developer should be struck off.
Also whilst I am thinking about it, anyone done an oxwall admin guide ebook. Would be welcome for me in the store as I could just give my users the ebook and say do it your bloody self :)
PS personally think you should do both, create a pdf ebook and sell it. Time is money and money is time.
A PDF ebook is a great idea for anyone to pursue, it can give a different angle and cover more ground than we can physically do.
I would love to see some form of document section in oxwall in a similar vain to video's, links and photo's.
That way documentation could be free flowing and it would be rated by the community. I am not saying we have to have online viewers but maybe eventually. A document section that the community could rate would allow the good to float to the top and the dross to sink into oblivion without the need for approval or administration.
Also an indexer would be mega but all idea's for the future :)
I am waiting to see the admin manual and its structure. I love the way mysql do there documentation as its organised by version and function and numbered so its easily referenced.
Puru I will wait for the admin manual and then do my version of the pdf ebook. Just cut and slice the good bits into a collaborated article?