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Text Key : avatar_user_select_empty_list_message | Forum

Ovi Plex
Ovi Plex Sep 12 '21

Hello everybody

I have a problem with only one text key: "base + avatar_user_select_empty_list_message"

When I want to invite members to a group or to an event and I do not select anyone, the message that appears (see the screenshot) is not interpreted in either English or French.

The text key "base + avatar_user_select_empty_list_message" is correctly filled in the "languages" section of the administration panel, I found 2 files with this entry:



I tested some things but it does not change anything (even when activating the developer mode)

Does anyone have a solution to my problem?

The Forum post is edited by Ovi Plex Sep 12 '21
Ovi Plex
Ovi Plex Sep 13 '21

Quote from Chris_W Have you tried going to: /admin/settings/languages scroll to the bottom, and without making any changes, click Save This Page. This often correct these problems.
Thank you for your answer but it did not solve my problem.
I just tried on a fresh installation of Oxwall and the problem is the same (English and French).
I really don't understand where the problem can come from when the text key is correctly filled in the parameters and everything looks correct to me in the code.
Do other members have the same problem as me?
Ovi Plex
Ovi Plex Sep 16 '21

After much testing, I realized that the problem is that the script does not translate the text keys.

I don't know where it can come from but here is a temporary solution for those who are interested :

1) Go to ./ow_static/plugins/base/js/ow.js

2) Go to line 15

3) Replace this : 

var $messageNode = $('<div class="ow_message_node '+type+'" style="display:none;"><div><div><a class="close_button" href="javascript://" onclick="$(this).closest(\'.ow_message_node\').slideUp(200, function(){$(this).remove();})"></a>'+message+'</div></div></div>').appendTo($messageCont);

with this :

if (message.indexOf('base+avatar_user_select_empty_list_message') >= 0){var $messageNode = $('<div class="ow_message_node '+type+'" style="display:none;"><div><div><a class="close_button" href="javascript://" onclick="$(this).closest(\'.ow_message_node\').slideUp(200, function(){$(this).remove();})"></a>The message you want to display</div></div></div>').appendTo($messageCont);} else{var $messageNode = $('<div class="ow_message_node '+type+'" style="display:none;"><div><div><a class="close_button" href="javascript://" onclick="$(this).closest(\'.ow_message_node\').slideUp(200, function(){$(this).remove();})"></a>'+message+'</div></div></div>').appendTo($messageCont);}