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Multiple sexes incorrectly shown on users pages | Forum

Henrik Feb 13 '11
I have added more sexes, such as transexual, intersexual, intergender, and genderbender, and made it possible to choose several sexes by letting the sex profile question be of type multicheckbox. Multiple sexes seems to be supported everywhere except on the pages http://www.mysite.com/users/… where something like base+questions_question_sex_value_769 is produced instead of a list of sexes.
Henrik Mar 1 '11
Is this something that you recognize as a bug and will fix?
Henrik Apr 20 '13
To my delight, multiple sexes have been supported on the users pages for some time now, but unfortunately, strange results are still produced on the friends page and when users are notified online or by email about new friend requests.

I reported this bug in the support area for the friends plugin in the Oxwall Store a couple of months ago, but it wasn't fixed in any of the recent updates so I guess no one noticed.

Alia Team
Alia Apr 23 '13
Henrick, can you clarify, whether you added a new field "Gender" or modified already existing one that comes with Oxwall by default?

Did you edit any languages or .html files so that they include the info about the new field?

I can't seem to reproduce the issue on my own installation.
Henrik Apr 23 '13
I have modified the existing field and made it a multiple choice question.

I have not edited any files, only added a Swedish translation in the admin area.

User that have choosen a single sex are shown correctly. The problem occurs with users that have choosen multiple sexes.