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ij.start canon | Forum

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neil nolan
neil nolan Nov 14 '21

The Canon printer that can be downloaded via canon.com/ijsetuppage is the best wireless printer that you can connect to your device and print data smoothly. Ij.start canonCD is not the well-suited technique to use ij.start.canoninstallation for longer. One can canon.com/ijsetup/mg2522  install from another origin if your device is having issues in the online installation or any other. Use ij.start cannonto set up your Canon product.Get started to Canon inkjet setup with guidelines of ij.start.cannonsite.

Alpha Johnson
Alpha Johnson Nov 26 '21

canon gives you free access to the canon printer drivers suitable for your printer. Hence, you have to go straight to ij. start. canon by entering it in the address bar. Then to reach the welcome window, press the Enter key.

Jimmy wick
Jimmy wick Mar 29 '23

Make sure that the machine is turned on.

Load paper.

Open the Paper Output Tray gently, and open the Output Tray Extension.

Create (or open) a document to print using an appropriate software application.

Specify the page size. 

Specify the required print settings.

Start printing.

Hope this helps,