Solution 1: Update your Windows OS
Below are the steps that you can follow for the Windows update:
-Click the ‘Windows logo‘.
-Select ‘All Program‘ and click ‘Windows Update‘ option.
-After installing the updates, just click ‘Install QuickBooks‘.
-Most of the cases, after following the first method the error get resolved. However, if the error still persists after following the first method then below we have provided more fixation methods.
Solution 2: Delete the ECML file and Rename Entitlement file
On your keyboard, hold down the Windows key + R key to run the file. It will open a Run window.The symptoms are usually arises and when a user will open your company file in QuickBooks accounting software, this failed to open it & resolves when attempting by doing repairing or installation gets failed due to improper method. It promptly asks for a mysterious html file.
-In that window type or copy C:\ProgramData\Intuit\Entitlement Client\v8 .
-Then give one click to the OK key button. This will open Window Explorer at that location.
-A user will easily locate the ecml file, then give a right-click on it and now select the delete option to resolve the error 3371
-Close this window and then try to re-run your QuickBooks software.
-You will be asked to register the product again, if failed to done.
Though there are a number of solutions available on the web but you must go with the most reliable ones. You can take suggestions from the experts or assign this work to them.
Below are the steps to resolve error if you are a Windows XP user.
Windows XP:
-Click ‘Start‘ and choose ‘Run‘ option.
-Then type the following command into the ‘Open field‘:
-C://Documents and ‘Settings All Users‘ Application DataIntuitEntitlement Clientv2
-Then, Click ‘OK‘ button
-Now ‘delete the Entitlement DataStore.ecml file‘ or you can also rename it to resolve the issue.
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