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What are the kinds of projects where React services prosper? | Forum

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ashikaelza Mar 29 '22

1. Dashboards - Any place that places emphasis on data visualization, React is the framework to go-to. For React dashboards Ant.design and Airframe React is often used.

2. Ecommerce Stores- Using React to create an ecommerce store enables you to create codes that can be reused over and again. It also reduces the number of duplicate codes that saves maintenance time. Besides having React as a front-end application tool helps a developer in state management which keeps track of data.

3.Social Networks- Social Networks might look very fascinating as Dynamic web pages but the reality is that it works better as Single-page applications. This is what React does very efficiently. When a user request is made, only a part of the component is changed instead of the whole page being refreshed. This improves application performance.

4.Cross-platform mobile application- One of the major benefits of React is that it helps you to build cross-platform apps that eventually give you a broader customer base.

react js development services