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Anonymous users register on my website (HELP!) | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Alexander Dec 7 '12
Hi guys! 

Last three days I have these users that are registering on my website... 


Can anyone help me to block them? Plugin or something else.. 

Thank you! 

Victor Daniel Tremblay
Hi Alexander,

Have a look at this : http://www.oxwall.org/store/item/333


Abbey Dec 7 '12
Yeah they're a pain Alexander, I just delete them the Anti Spam plugin is useless against them
Victor Daniel Tremblay
Alexander and Abbey,

Like I said to Vicki on another post:

I have six Oxwall Web sites running in full or partially.  Some of them are on a brand new sub-domain and these idiots started to join.  They likely (he or she) are using the same process and same emails.

But: All the sites that I have played with the questions asked to join (adding, modified, removing of field types) I have no more problems.  I will try to figure it out and come back to you...

One thing I know for sure he follows Oxwall sites and knows exactly where new ones are builted.  In a matter of minutes.

It seems to me that the question regarding "looking for male or female" has something to do with it.

The Forum post is edited by Victor Daniel Tremblay Dec 7 '12