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Possible Bug - MessageAll | Forum

Michael Dec 7 '12
My MessageAll plugin produced a 500 internal error but did send the message to 8,000 users out of 10,000.

Any ideas why this happened or how I could go about preventing it from happening again.
Purusothaman Ramanujam
Its actually not a bug. But its still an issue with oxwall. Its how Oxwall handles message notification queue.

When there are 10,000 mail queue to be processed, oxwall handles them all at same time and so there is a timeout or resource exceeds.
dave Leader
dave May 11 '13

Curious if there has been any batch type process implemented with this as yet. Maybe even a sleep() included for those that have host limits.   A batch process would be a nice addition..   Also what about the option to send to their external email vrs internal PM  would be nice to have that option to do one or the other for the batch..


also if i purchase this now, do i get the upgrade for free when it comes out ")

The Forum post is edited by dave May 11 '13
Purusothaman Ramanujam
Yes. Its already done with Oxwall..

Yes, all future updates for my plugins are ALWAYS free.
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