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How VDI Benefits Your Business | Forum

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Jimmy wick
Jimmy wick Jul 1 '22

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) is taking out traditional PCs in the workplace. The technology presents businesses with the opportunity to improve their bottom line and enhance performance.

Cloud Hosted Virtual Desktop enables businesses to store desktop operating systems, software, and data on a central server instead of on individual computers. The new technology makes computing easier and less expensive while bringing all of the desired optimizations the traditional PC could not accomplish. Here’s how VDI is benefitting businesses:

Reducing hardware & software costs

Running your desktop environment on a virtual machine enables your organization to replace employee workstations with thin clients. Thin clients come at a much cheaper cost (ranging from $300 to $700) as compared to traditional workstation costs (ranging from $500 to $2,000). Not to mention, PCs typically have a 4-year life expectancy while thin clients last up to 6 years. On the software side, deploying desktops from a central location with VDI means your organization gets to drastically reduce the number of licenses required for your office’s key applications and time spent on administering the infrastructure.

Optimizing administration

Reduce IT administration by centrally deploying, patching, upgrading, and migrating data. A virtual desktop environment reduces required maintenance by enabling administrators to patch environments with one OS, rather than updating each and every user’s environment, one at a time. Cloud PC also removes time spent dealing with hardware and software compatibility issues with consistent company-wide technology.

Improving security

VDI is more secure because the data is hosted on one central server, rather than on the end-user device. If an employee accidentally brings a virus into his or her desktop, it is contained and does not replicate to the core environment. In addition, VDI enables administrators to lock down computers to prevent employees from installing applications, viruses, and malware on them. Lastly, with sensitive data being worked on in computing devices in a VDI environment, this information never resides within the individual device, only the central server. If a device is stolen, your organization shouldn’t be worried, as data is not stored on the end-user device.

Enhancing backup

VDI’s centralized storage also improves data storage and system backups. If an employee accidentally deletes information, it can easily be restored in moments from the central server, rather than at the end-user device level.

Elevating the user experience

With VDI, employees can use whatever device he or she pleases. A thin client, PC, Apple, Linux, and etc. are all a go since users are connecting to a central desktop image. In addition, the remote desktop experience is improved as an image of the core desktop is displayed, rather than an alternate and blank image when working outside the office.

As the technology leader at your organization, you’re always looking for ways to make your organization more efficient, cost-effective, productive, and responsive to business needs. With VDI, your company can reduce technology and administration costs while enhancing security, backup, and user experience.

To know more about Citrix Workspace Cloud Pricing visit CloudDesktopOnline.

The Forum post is edited by Jimmy wick Jul 1 '22