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Coming up next are the main three-point shooters in NBA 2K22 | Forum

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nfkjasfas Jul 21 '22

Before 2K is able to create an engaging and entertaining MyCareer stand-alone game NBA 2K MT, it should understand what makes the current MyCareer campaigns fail. Despite numerous pre-order offers, NBA 2K games are notorious for their blatant integration of in-game purchases, even to the detriment of the game it self.

The damage can be seen in recent MyCareer campaigns, since 2K has slowly eliminated a lot of what makes free progression through MyCareer stories enjoyable with each new release. VC earned during gameplay has been cut in half and gaming rewards like the VC boosts that players receive for playing on more difficult levels have been removed entirely.

To make matters even more difficult Recent 2K games have introduced limits to the levels of each skill and the only method for players to raise the caps is to purchase items in the game or in frustrating, tedious minigames that require an excessive commitment of time before offering any reward.

The result of these changes is that basketball programs offer unsatisfying games prior to offering more in-game purchases that can fix the issue. All of this is aggravated by the fact that new NBA 2K games cost $70 which is enough to cause players to expect a comprehensive product.

However, despite the fact microtransactions may have proved incredibly profitable for 2K and its parent company Take-Two there is no time to wait for the launch of a new standalone entry in the 2K series. A majority of video games that are story-based require multiple years to develop however this similarly rushed timeframe can be seen in how MyCareer campaigns are presented.

Four players in total are announced for this Glitched series, each coming with a unique statistics boost as a whole in 99 Dark Matter form. Philadelphia 76ers guard Ben Simmons is often criticized for his inability of hitting triple-digit shots Buy 2K22 MT. But that's now a thing of the past in the Glitched series, since Ben Simmons can hang with the likes of Stephen Curry.

clarkle blanc
clarkle blanc Jul 24 '22

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