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New 1.5 Update via Admin 500 Error | Forum

Stan Thompson
Stan Thompson Dec 21 '12
Well Lynette they cannot be that bothered about it otherwise we would of had some feedback, I have invested a lot of time and money building my website and have never had a problem with it up until now, I just hope they do the right thing and get this whole mess sorted out and fast, my members won't wait around too long before they will go else where and I cannot afford for that to happen!
Chris H.
Chris H. Dec 24 '12
I was receiving similar errors as most on here with the error 500! Because I was reveiving these errors I found a lot of them were related to updating the Plugins. The update to 1.5 was successful but as soon as I uploaded the new updated version of Newsfeed I received the error 500. What I did was went in to my Oxwall Database and manually disabled all plugins until I was able to perform the updates to them and presto everything is back to normal. You can find the Plugin database under the following DB Table: ow_base_plugin ! Make sure to change the following column from 1 to 0 on all plugins under the isActive column until you have finished all your Updated Plugins uploads to the Plugin folders in your root folder. 

Hope this helps anyone!

The Forum post is edited by Chris H. Dec 24 '12
Christopher K.
Christopher K. Jan 10 '13
I got a error 500 as well. For everyone who has not yet updated, I'd recommend:

0. backup files & sql (DB) !!!
1. disable all plugins
2. update oxwall
3. enable plugins again
4. update plugins

In case of problems after 4. manually update plugins.
In case of problems after 2., manually update oxwall core. Do not forget to open ow_updates in the browser after manually replacing files!

I'd not recommend you to:
- update plugins before core
Might result in error 500. Solution: Either disable the plugin causing the issue and all other and update then. Or continue updating core manually.
- update core with plugins enabled
Might result in error 500 Solution: Update manually. Don't forget to open ow_updates in browser. If you still have problems, disable plugins as Chris H. describes.
- update any script without a backup

Everybody complaining that he spent lots of time and money into his community should ask himself why he didn't take the 10 minutes to do a backup. You should know it's venturous, but you still do it. So don't complain.

(It is not enough to only backup/restore the files! The DB is a lot more important to backup as it contains most of your user data!)

By the way. What do you do if the hard-drive of your server crashes? Then you should have a backup as well.
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